Cerezo Ibarrondo
Ad-Hoc Expert
Generic Skills
B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development:
Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development means to integrate all actors involved in a City, to make them co-create and become all together responsible for the management of the City, which means coordinating all policies and making citizens the centre of City Policies. It is to converge all that is in our hands to achieve the smart, sustainable, inclusive society and to create the path to meet Europe 2020 Strategy. Urban demographic evolution in previous decades has made issues like quality of life, wealth, growth, jobs, public services and city management crucial to most of the national, regional and local governments. Moreover there is an open discussion about recentralization or decentralization of public services management. All cities are being asked to become more efficient, the costs of the city and urban integrated regeneration are going to be key issues in the future. But the city is not only a physical matter but a social, economic and environmental tissue where the most important challenge is to involve knowledge and capacities of civil stakeholders in the new modes of governance, such as PPPP (Public, Private People Partnership) and bottom-up processes. Therefore, we must keep on studying how public Policies affect and develop to be a city booster for citizen’s life quality and its sustainability. For this purpose URBACT Programs for Cities are the most suitable programs to tackle the requested paradigm change, Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level:
The reason experience sharing is not only capacity building, but to foster a deep change in our urban culture and policies. To achieve this goal, we need to share the best practices among us (representatives, citizens, officers and practitioners) on real basis and URBACT methods and tools provide this kind of learning processes. My European project experience has been really intense over the last years, both at a project level and local level. At project level, strengthening partner’s capacity to develop a participative framework on the EU key urban topics and at local level, involving all relevant stakeholders to provide support on tools and methods required to implement and successfully run their ULSG and co-produce the best possible LAP. For this reason, we need now to reshape our networking activities, both to activate and to improve the partners results and at the same time to match with a multi disciplinary and multi cultural environment (differences, language and cultural, legal-economic and social frameworks, etc.). This objective can only be achieved with a new perspective, with a change of paradigm which I am willing to address. Because we need to think how can we make the transnational activities the best learning opportunity for all kind of urban stakeholders and agents; and how to tackle the real problems of our cities.
B.3. Proficiency in English:
My level of English has been improving thanks to my experience working in European Projects and also with my studies, internships and working experiences abroad. I studied English back in school at time where it was no so common in Spain, or at least it was not that appreciated. Once I started at the university, I had the opportunity to study several years in the United States at Davis and Berkeley Universities in California and some years later, I got the chance to do two internships, at Frank O. Gehry Architects Inc. in Los Angeles, CA and at Taliesin Architects, Taliesin West, AZ, home of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Those experiences gave me opportunity to enhance my English capability, not only in general terms, but specifically on Architecture and Urban planning technical English. In 1999, I had the chance to work in Amsterdam at Sjoerd Sooters Van Eldonk international architecture studio, where I also attended to the Berlage Institute. Back at home, I practice my English regularly due to my professional duties as EU project coordinator, translating documents for civil servants, giving presentations and attending to meetings on behalf of local, regional or national authorities. Finally, in several occasions I have had the chance to be architecture guide for foreign architects groups visiting Bilbao to explain its urban transformation process.
Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
Thematic expertise:
Theme / Policy:
Integrated Urban Renewal
Theme / Policy:
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise:
From the environmental perspective, one of the most important issues for Sustainable Urban Development is waste management. More precisely the Directive 2008/98/EC sets the basic concepts and definitions related to waste management, such as definitions of waste, recycling, recovery (hierarchy principle) and includes a new recycling and recovery targets to be achieved by 2020, 70% preparing for re-use, recycling and other recovery of construction and demolition waste (CDW). The Directive requires that Member States adopt waste management plans and waste prevention programmes. Therefore, all cities, urban functional areas and regions are requested to deliver and implement policies on CDW to achieve this target. For this purpose there is a need to gather at least three different source of knowledge: Construction & Demolition techniques, Urban and infrastructure development and Construction, Urban & Environmental regulations. As an architect, urban planner, urban law and construction waste management expert, I believe that I cover those three areas and together with my lecturer profile and EU projects expertise, I can help delivering the best policies and practices in the field and inside different regulatory frameworks.
Theme / Policy:
Sustainable Housing
Summary Thematic expertise:
Considering the two related concepts in this area of expertise, I have a wide variety of experiences and knowledge. On Housing, I have planned, design and construct all kind of social housing, either in rural or large functional urban areas. All these developments have been new developments, building restoring and urban planning type of interventions. On sustainability, I have different experiences, teaching (University Professor on Building Installations and Services), research and implementation (Ecodesign assessment regulation & Sustainable Sites initiative, US Green Building Council) and EU program external partner consultant (The OPEN HOUSE methodology is a bottom-up approach and covers 56 qualitative and quantitative indicators from existing international and European assessment methodologies and Systems, 7th Frame work Programme). Therefore, as an Architect, Urban Planner and Sustainability Expert, I can provide the necessary knowledge mixture to give a wide range of solutions and approaches to housing sustainability issues, in order to deliver some of the best policies and practices in the field.
Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies
E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices :
My experience in European projects and participatory methods could be defined as wide variety of experiences. Starting with USEAct project, I have been in charge of the project and ULSG coordination, along with development of all co-production techniques at Local Action Plan (LAP). During that process a multi-level and multi-thematic working groups were defined in order to produce the concrete results of the LAP in a flexible and adapted way for each kind of stakeholders, according to their specialization and capacities. With this strategy, all the most relevant urban issues were able to be addressed without monopolization of any possible group of the stakeholders, so mixture was the key point. Other kind of experiences has been as technical and education expert participation. First, as a member of the team for European transparent building assessment methodology definition, complementing the existing ones, for planning and constructing sustainable buildings by means of an open approach and technical platform. Second, as a part of the evaluation team of the European standards for validation of competences of unskilled workers in the construction sector. These two experiences have provided me with different skills and participation tools due to the different background of professionals and thematic scopes.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies:
As a part of the USEAct project LAP development, at Barakaldo municipality we are currently developing the urban strategic plan for integrated and sustainable urban regeneration interventions. This implementation plan includes not only the possible urban interventions, but also the monitoring and evaluation process with the previously defined methodology and indicators agreed with all the stakeholders involved in the LAP development process. As any urban policy deployment, urban strategic planning requires the continuous monitoring of development and flexibility in setting new targets, especially to avoid the disruption of the balance between the economic, environmental and social aspects. As a member of the core group of the project, I was in charge of helping the research team in the initial stages, in the definition of the pilot cases and in the concrete results delivery. Further information:
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level:
To keep updated on sustainable urban development policies, trends and funds, I regularly check the European Union and European Commission different programs WebPages (URBACT, INTERREG, ESPON, DG REGIO, Urban Development Network, FP7, Horizon2020, etc.) and I am also registered in their different communities. At the same time, I keep up my social media profile updated with links to the Linkedin groups and with the URBACT program officers. At national level, I keep in touch with my national Managing Authority, National Contact Point and Intermediate Body representatives (regional government) as the best way to have the latest news on any new policy, program or initiative. As a member of the Barakaldo URBACT Team, I am also part of the Spanish Urban Initiatives Network (IUN). IUN will support the Local Institutions to develop their integrated strategies as the core of the integrated actions of the Urban Multiregional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The IUN is a working group with participants from several Ministries: Finance and Public Administrations, Development, Agriculture and Environment, Employment and Social Security, Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, some representative municipalities and other urban stakeholders.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities:
As a project and ULSG coordinator in USEAct project Barakaldo (Spain), I have had the chance to apply the URBACT tools and methodologies (The URBACT II Local Support Group Toolkit), but with some differences due to the specific conditions of our stakeholders and project thematic scope. The language, the technical information and the integrated approach was modulated in order to reach the specific needs and main concerns of the citizens, neighbourhoods associations and other stakeholders inside the ULSGs. This replicable model can be adapted to all sorts of projects and thematic objectives, once the stakeholders and project focus have been set at the early beginning of any project. At the same time, any integrated and participatory policies must benefit from the knowledge gain in the transnational activities, by expanding and exploring new ways of tackling the urban problems under a holistic point of view, so here is where double role of being project and ULSG coordinator is the most beneficial for the exchange and learning processes.
Summary Expertise:
My experience in European projects and participatory methods could be defined as wide variety of experiences. Starting with USEAct project, I have been in charge of the project and ULSG coordination, along with development of all co-production techniques at Local Action Plan. During that process a multi-level and multi-thematic working groups were defined in order to produce the concrete results of the LAP in a flexible and adapted way for each kind of stakeholders, according to their specialization and capacities. I have also been coordinating new ERDF EU project proposals (INTERREG EUROPE) and have taken part in several technical projects related with construction assessment and education validation competences which has given me a wide range of experiences and perspectives in order to adapt participatory policies to all sorts of projects and thematic objectives. It is important to address that any local participatory process must benefit from the knowledge gain in the transnational activities, by expanding and exploring new ways of tackling the urban problems under a holistic point of view and here is where double role of being project and ULSG coordinator could be the most beneficial for the exchange and learning processes. Finally my experience has given me main skills in language, financial and communication with complement the necessary tools support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies
Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages: