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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
As an Urban Planner I have strengthened my competences on integrated and sustainable urban development in many ways.I have been conducting extensive research and analysis on urban and territorial issues, and in particular on sustainable development and participatory planning in poor areas,as related fields.Within the academia I have had the opportunity to work very closely with Researchers and Professionals in urban community involvement processes with a high level of complexity (integration of diverse dimensions: physical, economic, social). As Assistant Manager for the Urban Center in Catania, I have spearheaded a number of initiatives, all aimed at strengthening people’s relationship with their land.As consultant for diverse municipalities on urban development projects, and in particular working as technical assistant for the design of the Strategic Plans, I have acquired indepth knowledge of integrated urban policies and experience in working with diverse practicioners and stakeholders, and I have also conducted investigations on energy, environment and sustainable development, analyzed complex data and interviewed the local public and private leaders. Within the project ‘Sicilia Integra’, for migrants socio-economic integration, I have acquired the Gaia Education methods of education based on 4 dimensions that promotes thriving communities. I am working in a capacity building project for the Region of Sicily aimed at the implementation integrated and sustainable Plans
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have developed my understanding and capability in exchange and learning process at transnational level by working in many different environments including - 10 years spent in academia, supporting programmes with foreign students - as PhD fellow, conducting my research on ‘Public Spaces’ in diverse international contexts (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Hunter College of New York) - Performing the role as LSG coordinator at the Pilot Urbact Network ‘Open: GeniUS!’ for the municipality of Siracusa - Acting as group facilitator for multinational leaning group at the URBACT Summer University in Rotterdam - LSG coordinator for the TechTown URBACT action planning network for the Municipality of Siracusa - Collaborating with the Gaia Education (UK NGO), within the project Sicilia Integra, in setting up the Courses of ‘Designers of Sustainability and Organic Food Systems’ for migrants and Sicilian youth unemployed
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I passed the Toefl test in 1997, and I am running an international career as academic (in the past) as well as practitioner, where the English language is predominant. I had several experience of work in NYC (USA) where, in collaboration with prof. Tom Angotti (Hunter College) I had the chance to coordinate workshops and collaborate to urban renewal projects – based on participatory approach - in Queens and Brooklyn. I have also presented diverse papers in international conferences, presented my works as urban planning teacher/PhD as well as practitioner. I have been expert evaluator for many EU programme (EACEA and COST). I have been local coordinator of an Erasmus project and 2 Urbact projects, also acting as interface between the local Italian municipality/association and the Lad Partner and the whole network. I have also written some scientific articles in English (i.e. 2005, George Bush, American Pragmatism and Community Planning. in Progressive Planning Magazine n. 162 (pp.15-16),Planners Network, New York; 2005, Toward a democratic Planning: the ancient borough ‘San Cristoforo’ in Catania’ In Planning in a More Globalized and Competitive World’ 39th ISoCaRP Congress (pp.125-134), IsoCaRP Press & Gangemi Editore, Roma, I use to work in english also within the project on migrants inclusion managed by the UK NGO ‘Gaia Education’. Thus I have acquired very good communication skills in english.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I worked during 2 summers in NYC for the implementation of 2 participatory projects involving citizens for the renewal of their neighbourhood. I have been Local Coordinator of GeniUSiracusa URBACT Project, co-designing - through the involvement of residents - some pilot projects for the renovation of their disadvantaged neighbourhood. For 2 years I have been local coordinator of the Erasmus+ Project ‘Raising Strong and Resilient Communities’ on storytelling for the empowerment of disadvantaged communities. I have also acquired additional knowledge on active inclusion, as evaluator for the EU programme Europe for Citizens. From Dec 2015 to march 2017 I have been local coordinator of the project Sicilia Integra which ‘aims to support the socio-economic integration of migrants through sustainable community and agro-ecology capacity building activities ...’. This project involves migrants and Sicilian youth unemployed for a concrete integration through a learning journey. I have presented the results of the learning journey of GeniUSiracusa at: -the national conference ‘Città ed Emozioni’ (politicians, academia,citizens), -a local conference of best practices on neglected neighborhoods -the ‘Simeto River Agreement’ (NGOs,citizens,politicians) The results of my actionresearch on ‘Public Spaces and Democratic Planning’ has been presented in 2005 at the Isocarp internation conference and published also as a monograph
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have worked for 2 years as responsible of the participatory approach in the design of some territorial Strategic Plans in Sicily. Since June 2016 I am supporting the Region of Sicily - within a capacity building project - in the co-design of 9 Strategic Plans aimed at the implementation of the ITI. As local coordinator of Urbact Local Support Group (GeniUS and Techtown), I have contributed to the design of Strategic Action Plans, also organizing Open Innovation Events finalized at delivering the final part of the Plans. Through my multi-disciplinary academic background and years of experience as a researcher and planner, I have developed the ability conduct urban and territorial analysis on a wide variety of contexts and to draft for different audiences from public presentation reports to academic papers. I have also presented research papers at international conferences. The input learned during the Rotterdam Summer school have been used for promote the organization and act as speaker of a Seminar for Sicilian cities (practitioners and urban policy-makers) on how to deliver the ITI Strategic Plan (stakeholders involvement, evidence and data analysis, results framework, Action table, etc.). A ppt presentation has been produced and distributed to cities

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
My academic background as students, PhD and postgraduate fellow and manager of the Urban Center was focused on participatory approach and methods. During those years I had the opportunity to study and work in NYC (USA) where this approach was born, deepening my theoretical and practical knowledge of community planning and practices. After that I left academia (10 years ago), I had the chance to work as a person responsible for civic participation of strategic Plans, as well as coordinator of Urbact LSGs, and now as external expert supporting the co-design of ITI. I have also been local coordinator of an Eramus+ project on storytelling ( ) and of the project Sicilia Integra, based on the creation of resilient communities. During these experiences I had the opportunity to design participatory processes, using different methods and tools (charrets, neighbourhood walks, bike tours, public presentations, brainstorming, photostory, storytelling, visioning, etc.). I have also been tutor and teacher of the Social Module of the Gaia Education Course for Sicilia Integra ( , aimed at providing ‘a better understanding of the true meaning of social equity and participatory action, and to enable participants to apply transformative tools that align us with more resilient social systems’.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I have been for 15 months (2014-2015) Local Coordinator of GeniUSiracusa URBACT Project, a project based on open innovation and participatory approach which has developed an Integrated Action Plan of 4 significant pilot projects for the renovation of a disadvantaged neighbourhood thanks to the involvement of local communities. I have worked as technical assistance of some Sicilian cities coalition for the design of Strategic Plans of sustainable development. I am currently working for the Region of Sicily, in a capacity building project aimed at supporting cities in producing Integrated and Sustainable Strategies for the implementation of the Urban Agenda programme through the new tool of ITI. My work also involves support for the evaluation of such Plans. As local coordinator of the LSG of the Urbact Techtown network for Siracusa, I am coordinating the design of the Integrated Action Plan (that will be finalized by march 2018).
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
The environment in which I work (local and regional municipalities as well as Urbact community) gives me the opportunity to have a lot of exchange with colleagues about the main policies and funding schemes. In addition I participate in conferences and webinars on such topics, and periodically visit the main website for updates and news relating to funding. I am also subscribed to a variety of newsletters (i.e. Urbact, EAPN, ICLEI, etc.).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
My ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities so as to ensure consistency in the design and delivery of integrated and participatory comes from many different experiences: My doctoral research included a comparison between Spanish and US case-studies on public spaces policies, thus elaborating a proposal for a local Sicilian case (Catania's mafia neighborhood). When I was manager of the Urban Center I visited the different kinds of Urban Centers in the world (in Italy: Turin, Bologna, in Europe: Paris; in USA: New York and San Francisco), elaborating proposals for the local model. Lastly, thanks to the Urbact Pilot Transfer Network, GeniUS, I have been able to understand how to adapt a best practice to a very different local context (also thanks to the work done with other cities, which has enabled us to fully understand the flexibility, potential and the adaptability of the proposed GeniUS method).
Summary Expertise: 
My academic and professional background has been focused on participatory approach and methods. I had the opportunity to study and work in NYC deepening my theoretical and practical knowledge of community planning and practices. Then I had the chance to work as a person responsible for civic participation of strategic Plans, and as coordinator of Urbact LSGs, and now as external expert supporting the co-design of ITI for the Region of Sicily. I have also been local coordinator of an Eramus+ project on storytelling and of the project Sicilia Integra, for the creation of resilient communities. As Coordinator of 2 URBACT LSGs, I have coordinated the design of IAPs. I have worked as technical assistance of some Sicilian cities for the design of Strategic Plans. In my current work for the Region of Sicily, I support cities in producing Integrated and Sustainable Strategies and i support the region for their evaluation. The environment in which I work gives me the opportunity to have a lot of exchange with colleagues about the main policies and funding schemes. I also participate in conferences on such topics, periodically visit the main website, and I am subscribed to vary newsletters. My ability to adapt tools and content: My doctoral research included a comparison between Spanish and US case-studies on public spaces policies.Thanks to the Urbact Pilot Transfer Network, GeniUS, I have been able to understand how to adapt a best practices to a very different local context.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise