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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Bachelor Degree in Law at the University of Pise "La Sapienza", Pise (Italy) with a specialisation in International Public Law and Community. Thesis: "The Freedom of Press between the Italian Constitution and the European Convention of human rights". 1 year of study at the University of Toulon and Var, Faculty of Law, Toulon (France). Successful examinations: - Law of town planning + tutorial; - Constitutional Law + tutorial; - International relationship + tutorial; - Judicial law; - Civil procedure; - Jurisdictional institutions. Trainee Lawyer (“Pratica Forense”)at the Studio Legale Associato Cotza-Villani (Law Office), Cecina (LI) (Italy). Experience: Legal research and follow-up of files - Practice receivement - Preparation of defence speech - Participation to the legals hearing - Replacement of lawyers during the hearing (by proxy) - Drafting of acts and others official documents - Administrative management of procedures - Debts recovery - Linguistic assistance. Title of Lawyer Consiglio dell’ordine degli Avvocati di Livorno (Italy), Livorno (Italy) Preparation for lawyer's examinations - Subjects presented at the examination (written and oral) : Criminal procedure, Constitutional law, International Private law, Community law, Ecclesiastic law and Professional Code.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I am the European Cooperation Responsible and EU Funds Raiser (Management Department) at the CESEFOR Foundation ( I am Member of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network Secretariat (; I am Member of the ERIAFF Network on behalf of the Region Castilla y Leòn (European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry). I have a solid teamwork experience in international and multicultural environment mainly as Model Forest development Responsible and Evaluator. Field working experience in all Europe, in the Mediterranean area (especially in North Africa) and in the Balkans. The work experience within the “CESEFOR Foundation” and the "Livorno Province" as European Cooperation Manager brought to me organisational, exchange and learning competences in : Coordination, management and follow-up of Community projects; Mobilization of internal and external competences; Adaptation in a multicultural environment; Self motivated; Aptitude for travelling abroad; Ease for personal and professional relationship; Aptitude for working with foreign partners; Aptitude for public relationship and communication; Appreciation of the team work; Diplomacy and capacity of listening in the professional relashionship; Rigour in financial and countable management; Capacity for problems resolving; Resistance to stress and fatigue; Organization of international meetings; Reception and accomodation of the European partners;
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I speak English (due to my work) which I am improving by regularly attending private classes (British School of Cecina). My experience in managing projects and partnerships that work at 90% in English is the main evidence: - AMFI initiative for the development of Model Forest in the Mediterranean (2009-2014, funded by Natural Resources Canada) -; - DG Civil Protection financial instrument: "ODS3F Project", Observation and Detection Systems for Fire management -; - Interreg IVC EUFOFINET, European Forest Fire network -; - Interreg IVC EFFMIS, European Forest Fire Control using Information Systems -; - Interreg Espace MED "Forêt Modèle project", Local development based upon the valorisation of all wood and non-wood resources through a better landscape governance - - IPA Adriatic CBC "AMF" (Adriatic Model Forest), Enhance sustainable development in the Adriatic countries based on management and use of the forests as a resource -; - - 7FP Ecoadapt, Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin America Landscapes -; - Leonardo Da Vinci Program, "DRYMOS" Project, New Skills for New Jobs in the Forest Sector -; - Interreg SUDOE Program, "SUSTFOREST Project" (Lead Partner).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
My personal rules to make a presentation: always in English, always with pictures and always with Key words. Less text as possible, as the people normally listen or read (this bring to the confusion). Sometimes I talked in a different language, if the audience was for hte majority from a single Country (french, spanish or italian) but my power point was always in English. basis of a good communication and dissemination activity. My personal experience is in the framework of the FP7 "EcoAdapt" project (Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin America Landscapes -, where I am charged (currently) to organize the project final conference where the work of all the partners has to be capitalized. In order to guarantee the diffusion of the project results, there are various aspects to take care, in order to capture and valorize the knoledge of every partner: - Meeting and Steering Committee reports; - Project progress reports (milestones); - Pilot sites assessments (if there are); - Articles in prestigious scientific and technical journals; - Brochures also available in electronic format for Internet. - Newsletters to provide brief information on the project status and progress; - Use of web 2.0 social networks as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Presented project to the "EuropAid" Program. Title: "Promotion of new modes of forest governance as a contribution for reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina" - ForRec- The overall project objective is to promote international cooperation and new modes of rural governance toward a common integrated land management scheme, to protect natural resources in synergy with social and economic valorisation and reconciliation in B-H. The participatory methods and tools: - raise awareness on importance of multi-sector and participatory processes in natural (forest) resource management and to emphasise their role in reconciliation; - create synergies among partners and build up a local network(s) using new concepts as new mode of governance; - develop synergies between operational tools, models and good practices of forest land management and use of natural resources that are implemented; - develop a lobby for the protection and valorisation of the local natural resources towards national, European and Pan-Mediterranean institutions, increasing the impact of territorial cooperation.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
As Model Forest evaluator I had to perform various assessment of the Mediterranean Model Forest candidates (Associations), in order to confirm their compliance with some Principles and Attributes. The output to provide was a detailed report of findings and recommendations. In my reports I always took under consideration the following principles: 1. Partnership: a good one is a neutral forum that welcomes voluntary participation of representatives of stakeholders’ interests and values on the landscape; 2. Landscape: A large-scale biophysical area representing a broad range of values, including social, cultural, economic and environmental concerns; 3. Commitment to Sustainability: Stakeholders are committed to the conservation and sustainable management; 4. Governance: The management process is representative, participative, transparent and accountable, and promotes collaborative work among stakeholders; 5. Program of Activities: The activities undertaken are reflective of a vision and stakeholder needs, values and management challenges; 6. Knowledge-sharing, Capacity Building and Networking: stakeholder capacity to engage in the sustainable management and collaborate and share results and lessons learned through networking.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
With coordination meetings; With the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation process (action/strategic plans); With education & awareness campaigns on importance of multi-sector and participatory processes in resources management; With training courses to relevant stakeholders.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
African Model Forest Initiative, funded by Natural Resources Canada, as mentioned above.
Summary Expertise: 
The participatory methods and tools: - raise awareness on importance of multi-sector and participatory processes in resource management and to emphasise their role; - create synergies among partners and build up a local network(s) using new concepts as new mode of governance; - develop synergies between operational tools, models and good practices of land management and use of resources that are implemented; - develop a lobby for the protection and valorisation of the local resources towards national, European and Pan-Mediterranean institutions, increasing the impact of territorial cooperation. How? With coordination meetings; With the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation process (action/strategic plans); With education & awareness campaigns on importance of multi-sector and participatory processes in resources management; With training courses to relevant stakeholders.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise