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CASH Partner Mayors' Declaration of Intent on Energy Social Housing and Fuel Poverty

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02 December 2015
Read time: 1 minute

Are Mayors involved in shaping a more favourable future for social housing energy efficient renovation? Yes there are thanks to CASH URBACT Project. Mayors and Vice-President of Region, partners of the  CASH project, signed a PDF icon Download Mayors VP Declaration of Intent Nov 2012 (739.34 KB) at the final Conference of the project held in Brussels end 2012. The Declaration, which underscores the need for a European contribution to this effort within the new Cohesion Policy context, was officially handed over to the representative of DG Regional and Urban Policy.

"We, Mayors of the 10 cities and Vice-President of the region partners of the CASH network, have worked during 30 months - with the stakeholders involved in Social housing Energy Efficient renovation - on the major challenges of energy intensive social housing and fuel poverty" says the declaration.

URBACT CASH project has indeed completed its programme of exchange and learning activities. The 11 project partners have been working relentlessly looking for new ways to set up and promote policies for sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing.

The declaration includes the following proposals regarding Energy Social Housing :

  • Technology easy to implement and to maintain on large scale operations over long timeframes
  • Legal framework adapted to local needs and to the different components of EE renovation process
  • Stable and coherent financial tools accessible to local stakeholders
  • Innovative participative process allowing an empowerment of tenants and the development of appropriate behaviors
  • Green local and diversified energy sources
  • Upstream involvement of key renovation actors
  • Training of local human capital to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

In the declaration, the  Mayors at local level and the Vice-President at regional level also explain that their engagement is demonstrated through the elaboration together with Local Support Groups of their Local Action Plans and  translated into proposals of pilot operations integrated in their Local Action Plans, which make the best use of the CASH knowledge gained from the network transnational exchanges.

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