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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
After the graduation at the University of Political Sciences, Faculty of International and Diplomatic Studies in Trieste in 1995, I attended a post-graduate course for the preparation of the diplomatic career and a master in euro-planning. Following an experience in the Chamber of Commerce supporting SMEs as consultant on soft financing tools, since 1999 I was the President and from April 2005 to today the Managing Director of DGR Consulting, a company specialized in European projects. For over 15 years, I have been working on European collaborative projects across the public and private sectors. Projects were mainly focused on local economic development, often involving small and medium sized enterprises or focusing on urban planning and transports, but the range of activities and themes has been wider (environmental issues, innovation, culture, youth policies, etc). I coordinated many cross-border and transnational projects focusing on territorial planning, local development, urban strategic planning. Working on those projects I supported many local administrations and my professional experiences, combined with my educational background, assured me a sound understanding of the challenges facing urban communities, of the bureaucratic mechanisms within public bodies and of the advantages deriving from applying participatory processes and innovative methodologies to plan successful strategies and sustainable solutions for urban development.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During more than 15 years I have been regularly involved in transnational projects. I supported many local authorities as well as other public entities or private companies in the preparation, design, managing and monitoring of many projects. Almost all collaborative projects foresaw the organization of transnational networking activities (as for ex. meetings, seminars, study visits, etc.) and learning activities and involved many different partners coming from several Countries as well as many stakeholders. I supported local authorities non only for the design of the projects focusing and defining the methodologies to be used for transnational exchange and learning activities but also for the concrete preparation and delivering of transnational activities also coordinating the production of relevant inputs taking into account the needs of the different involved partners and stakeholders (see for ex the publication “Youth Adrinet” ). One of the most important experiences developed starting from 2008 to today is the technical support guaranteed to a municipality in preparing and managing its “Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Development” which let me enriching my competences in the sharing of approaches in preparing a plan for urban development, involving policy-makers and stakeholders, finding common solutions considering all territorial needs and reconciling different perspectives.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
At the University I passed several English exams (oral and written) and during my career I have constantly been working in international teams, writing projects and documents in English (application forms of different European projects, presentations, working papers, reports, recommendations, MoU, etc), making presentations and facilitating co-creation of international events for groups of partners. In addition, I also regularly coordinate meetings between international partners as project manager in English. My reading, speaking and writing skills in English are on a C1 level.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have been working for more than 15 years in supporting local administrations, public and private entities in preparing, managing, monitoring and reporting financed projects. My direct experience let me develop an ability to design, organize and deliver activities aimed at facilitating peer learning and effective working relationships not only through physical meetings and seminars but also experimenting innovative schemes to facilitate exchanges and discussions. I coordinated several projects in which innovative methodologies have been used as for example new form of trainings, creation of physical spaces to discuss and meet and facilitating peer learning and effective working relationships, at a distance meetings using on line tools, on line surveys, etc. Lively exchange and focused discussions have been stimulated through focus group, open discussions, creative problem solving, PCM, workshops, etc.. Process of participatory planning aiming at harmonizing views among all of participants as well as prevent conflict between opposing parties have been managed.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Since the beginning of the programming period 2007-2013 I have supported the Municipality of Gorizia in the design, preparation and management of the Plan for Sustainable Urban Development of the city of Gorizia. The first phase of the work consisted in the drafting of the Plan to be financed under the ERDF 2007-2013. The Plan called "Let's Go" was one of the only four projects financed by ERDF (now Italian Cohesion Action Plan funds). The design activities required a substantial work of involvement of various municipal offices normally not used to work together for a common goal, together with a huge task of identification and animation of the territory in order to involve stakeholders into thematic roundtables and an important effort to raise awareness of businesses potentially interested in the activities. To sum up the work realized includes: - Activation of a Working Table with the local Chamber of Commerce; - Activation of the Institutional Table of Concertation in order to fix the settings of the general guidelines of the PISUS and ensure the sharing of "political and strategic" priorities and the themes of interest for the city with the main stakeholders and institutions of the area; - The activation of the final process with public and/or private sector through the publication of public notices to contribute to the formulation of the PISUS through the proposed project ideas and expressions of interest for SMEs.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
One of the main activities implemented within the PISUS was the monitoring inside the City Council of Gorizia aimed at gathering information on actions/projects that fall within the identified targeted area and upgrading them. Within this project, as project manager, I have tracked, reviewed and revised the design of the activities to be implemented, in order to ensure that the project creates the deliverables in accordance with the project objectives. Because of the unique and temporary nature of this project, it is requiring active and constant control. One of the first results of this monitoring and controlling process is the finalizing of the project performance reports concerning the implementation of the activities and the state of the advancement of the expenditures. While monitoring the focus is also the analysis of project performance to determine whether a change is needed in the plan for the remaining project activities to achieve the project goals. Tools and techniques that I usually use to conduct the Monitoring and Controlling of a project: - collection of project performance information (meetings, variance reports and program reviews) - analysis of the project performance to determine whether a project change is needed. (technical reviews, project forecasting and problem solving) - reporting on project performance (project management information systems, management reviews and dashboards) - common usage of the MIPAC, the on line monitoring tool.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Sustainable and urban development is a highly topical issue in our territories. While designing project ideas for our business clients, private or public, we consider as permanent item the protection of historic, cultural and environmental resources. Our daily work routine includes the task of constant updating of European and local news through different means, I would just mention some of them as an example: - the European Commission and European Union Regional Policy portals and the related publications, - the Italian Environment Ministry and European Policy Ministry portals and the related publications, - the Friuli Venezia Giulia regional portal, Department of Environment and Territory and the related publications, - the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) portal and the related publications, - academic portals and publications, - European cross-border and transnational cooperation programs portals. Moreover I participated to several events and meetings on these topics.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In the "Smartborders" project I am now working on the planning phase of a training course for public officers on the new European programming period focusing on specific topics linked to the economic development of the involved territories. A particular ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities is requested so as to ensure consistency in the design and delivery of integrated and participatory policies across participants.
Summary Expertise: 
I coordinated several projects aiming at supporting local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies. One of the most interesting and challenging experiences is the technical assured to the Municipality of Gorizia in the design, preparation and management of the "Plan for Sustainable Urban Development of the city of Gorizia- PISUS". The first phase of the work consisted in the drafting of the Plan to be financed under the ERDF 2007-2013. The Plan called "Let's Go" was one of the only four projects financed by ERDF (now Italian Cohesion Action Plan funds). The design activities required a substantial work of involvement of various municipal offices normally not used to work together for a common goal, together with a huge task of identification and animation of the territory in order to involve stakeholders into thematic roundtables and an important effort to raise awareness of businesses potentially interested in the activities.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise