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Calling all EU cities: URBACT’s Good Practice award

Edited on

06 April 2017
Read time: 1 minute

URBACT is inviting cities across the EU to step up and apply for the new URBACT Good Practice City label before the call closes on 31 March 2017.

The award, launched in December, celebrates good practices in sustainable, integrated urban development, and will publicise winning solutions that other European cities can use.

The application process is relatively simple, taking just a couple of hours to complete online. 

“This label is for European cities who can share simple practices that really work – and that can be easily transferred to help other cities,” says Adele Bucella, URBACT’s Projects and Programming Head of Unit. “We’re looking for the small urban initiatives that have a big positive impact. From pop-up offices to integration through schools, we’re sure there are exciting examples hiding in many cities – and this a chance to shine!”

The call is open to good practices that tackle any urban challenge – whether it’s dealing with demographic change, meeting climate and environmental targets, or initiatives to reduce unemployment and urban poverty.
URBACT welcomes suggestions from anyone who knows of great-but-simple urban initiatives that really help. To nominate a town or city that you’d like to see awarded the URBACT Good Practice City label, send a message to @URBACT via twitter, using the hashtag #URBACT_GP.
Cities awarded with the URBACT Good Practice label will get:
  • High visibility, including an opportunity to showcase their Good Practice at the URBACT City Festival on 4-5 October 2017 in Tallinn, along with other URBACT Good Practice Cities, and European and city policy-makers. 
  • Opportunities to advocate for sustainable and integrated urban development at URBACT events and capacity-building activities, and contribute to the EU Urban Agenda.
  • Help with applying to take part in an URBACT Transfer Network. This will not only allow you to link up with other cities interested in understanding and reusing your practice, but also to improve your own approach through an in-depth peer-review methodology.
VIDEO - Three examples of good practices developed by URBACT cities