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Call for study: National URBACT Points

Edited on

14 December 2020
Read time: 1 minute
This call is now closed

The URBACT Programme is seeking external expert support in relation to its National URBACT Points operation. 


National URBACT Points support URBACT-related activities at national level. More usually represented by ministries, associations of cities, universities, or consultant agencies, they are in charge of communicating and supporting URBACT projects and initiatives in their countries and in their native languages.


The successful candidate or team, will evaluate the existing experience of National URBACT Points (what works, what does not work), explore conditions and factors of success, and make recommendations for a better implementation of national activity for URBACT under the new programming period (2021-2027).


The Terms of Reference for this study are available here.



Offers must be sent to the URBACT Secretariat via e-mail to Jenny Koutsomarkou, Partnership Officer, and Thierry Picquart, Coordination and Administration Head of Unit, no later than Monday 7 December 2020.