Call for Experts: External Assessment Panel
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26 April 2021URBACT is looking for up to 3 experts to join the External Assessment Panel (EAP) and evaluate eligible projects for the Transfer Networks Second Wave.

The URBACT Programme has launched a call for up to 7 Transfer Networks Second Wave. The main objective of Transfer Networks is to improve the capacity of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and more specifically to improve the implementation of sustainable integrated urban strategies and action plans in European cities.
To deliver on this objective, 23 Transfer Networks were approved in 2018, they used an organised process of exchange and learning among peers across Europe to foster the transfer of good practice in the field of sustainable urban development. These Transfer Networks allowed cities to work together on the adaptation and re-use of a good practice already implemented in a city (and the subsequent enhancement of the good practice building on lessons learnt through the re-use).
Candidate Lead Partners submit anApplication in the framework of a Call for Proposals. Applications are checked against eligibility criteria by the Joint Secretariat. All eligible applications are assessed by an External Assessment Panel (EAP) against a set of assessment criteriadefined in the Call for Proposals5. Following the assessment and ranking of project proposals by the EAP, and considering the proposal of the URBACT Managing Authority, the URBACT Monitoring Committee shall decideon the approval of networks.
More information about the EAP is available in the Terms of Reference.
The deadline for receipt of applicationsis 23 April 2021 at noon (GMT + 1).Applications shall be sent by the deadline via e-mail to the URBACT Secretariat at the following address:
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