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Call for applications for Urban Innovative Actions Experts

Edited on

27 October 2016
Read time: 1 minute

The Hauts-de-France Region (Entrusted Entity for the implementation of the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative) is issuing a Call for Applications for Urban Innovative Actions Experts (UIA) supporting the approved projects submitted in the framework of the first Call for Proposals. The Call is open until 13 December 2016.

The present Call for Applications is open for the recruitment of 18 experts for the 18 approved projects selected from the 1st Call for Proposals.  UIA Experts will be contracted for a total of 50 days of expertise covering the implementation phase of UIA projects (three years for implementation plus one final year for knowledge transfer).

The projects are on the four main topics identified:
UIA is looking for motivated professionals with a good overview of sustainable urban development in the European Union. They should have experience in supporting urban authorities in implementing bold and innovative solutions as well as skills in capturing and sharing knowledge. Becoming a UIA expert will give applicants the possibility to join a select group that will support the first pioneering projects and will actively contribute in drawing lessons to be made available to a wider audience of policy makers and practitioners in Europe and beyond. 
Depending on the number of applications received, it is expected that one expert will be selected for each approved project.
The present Call for Applications will remain open until 13 December 2016.
Applicants are invited to download and read the Terms of Reference for the Call for Applications, the Application Form and the List of selected projects attached on the Urban Innovative Action website.
For information concerning the Call for Applications please contact Susana Forjan (Project officer):