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From buildings to people and public policies

Edited on

31 July 2019
Read time: 1 minute

Outcomes of the Come in! Photo Safari Session which was organised to understand what partner cities need to do to bring Budapest100 as good practice to life locally.

In May 2019 the representatives of Come in! Open Houses /Shared Stories partner cities explored the great Budapest100 community festival (the good practice). They walked in Budapest in smaller groups and explored its magnificent Bauhaus heritage. In the frame of a Photo Safari sessionthey summed up the most important elements to be taken into consideration whilst transferring the Budapest100 as good practice. Based on their photos and pitches the network expert created the below photo book, which also gives a detailed overview of the various stages in the process of transferring the Budapest100 as good practice, listing the activities, requirements and goals of each stage.

Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz