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Broker- a new role for the cities in boosting social innovations.

Edited on

17 August 2017
Read time: 2 minutes

BoostINNO’s last transnational meeting (8-10Th March)  was devoted to the theme of BROKERAGE. It was held in Baia Mare in Romania.

Sessions related to brokerage were delivered by SIAC (Social Innovation Acceleration in Cities). The SIAC network  works only through individuals, because that's where change happens. This explains why the SIAC network started to speak with social innovators, to get to know what problems they have. "We have to be aware and to stay connected on the human level. There’s the role for a broker”.
What competences are needed to be good broker? How should cities’ administrations support their employees in order to assure proper brokerage? There were just few of many discussion points.
The key players who have to take on the brokerage role: civil servants, politicians, the city as such,
a network of cities in order to influence other institutions and structures.
It appears sometimes, that the citizens of a city and it's administration constitute two separate worlds. This does not have to be so. As our guests from the SIAC network showed us that taking on the brokerage role, allows civil servants to become facilitators of social innovations, creating real links (bridges) between these two worlds. It is a fascinating process, which brings the two closer, increases understanding and stimulates social innovation, breaking down barriers that are more than often self-created. But this implies taking risks and constantly reminding ourselves why we do what we do and who for…
Another key issue related to good brokerage is the involvement of different stakeholders. How to engage citizens and other groups of people in order to allow them to express their opinion. Some of the proposed solutions:
● Alternative methods need to be used in order to get them involved!.
● Do something energetic with them!
● Let  people meet. Connect people!
● Importance of reciprocity - it’s free, but not gratis.
● Empower people!
● Be part of it as well!
● Empathy is a key competence for broker!
• Learn to listen, ask the right questions

The second part of the meeting wconcentrated on Integrated Action Plans. The Design thinking method had been chosen and Maja Kurant (from the Social Economy Support Centre in Gdansk), was facilitator of the session. Each city created portraits of personas- description of the citizens, inhabitants who are living in their cities and for whom IAP should be addressed. This workshop, was based on the work done on the Roadmap, which included activities already undertaken, actions which are being implemented and future plans and activities.  Partners evaluated this session very highly, as it allowed them to realize where they are in their work on the Integrated Action Plan.

The third part of the workshop concentrated on Baia Mare itself. Our partners from Baia Mare managed to involve many stakeholders who actively participated during whole transnational meeting. Baia Mare is working on many themes: Culture as a tool for boosting social innovation, social issues and searching for new solutions to old challenges and a group related to youth policy in the city.
Representative of JPI Urban Europe –Johannes Riegler presented his organization and talked about benefits from being part of it.