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Braga Job Shadowing in Toulouse - blog entry

Edited on

06 November 2020
Read time: 2 minutes

On the 26th, 27th and 28th of February, this year, the City Councillors of Braga (Pt), Sameiro Araújo and Miguel Bandeira, respectively, with the Public Participation and Youth Areas, and Urban Regeneration, Urbanism and Planning, they went to Toulouse (Fr) to participate in the Job Shadowing exchange, “Urban Regeneration Mix”, within the scope of the URBACT Network .The delegation was accompanied by the ULG coordinator, the architect Daniel Pereira.

Arriving on the 26th, we started the tour by a brief visit to the historic centre of Toulouse.

On the 27th in the morning, we were welcomed at Maison de la Citoyenneté, St-Cyprien, by a group of Mairie Technicians who provided us with a guided tour of the facilities, explaining the various civic and social functions of public facilities. Then, we were presented with some of the most significant projects in the sphere of action of the so-called House of Citizenship, namely, in the field of socio-cultural animation and civic participation of citizens. 

However, during lunch, we meet and interact with other officials from the municipal and metropolitan authorities of Toulouse.

 In the afternoon we visited “Espace Job”, a Cultural Center installed in the rehabilitated building of an old paper factory, with multifunctional features (headquarters of local associations, amphitheatres, recording studios, ballet and theatre rooms, public swimming pool, etc. .). There we were able to meet with those responsible for space management and various cultural agents, where we exchanged experiences and asked questions regarding the operation of the equipment. Benefiting a comparative debate on problems common to both cities.

 In the evening we had dinner at the Centro Cultural des Mazades, another local dynamism equipment, which we visited, and where we watched a dance show, called “Traversées - Cie Wejna”, a show based on a collective creation process, with elements of civic participation ( choreography by Sylvie Pabiot).

On the 28th, in the morning, we went to the “Quai ides Savoirs”, where we were able to attend two presentations: the first relating to a vast urban operation, the “Projet Guillaumet”, an urban intervention in a consolidated area of ​​78,000 m2, it was also originally industrial, which implied a complex and exemplary public participation process, above all, from the point of view of urban sociology; the second intervention referred to the domain of knowledge transfer and technological innovation, under the motto of the so-called “uses laboratory”, with the title, “the creative place”.

We ended our participation with a visit to the “Quai des savoirs”, where it was possible to develop the theme of the relationship between science and citizens, about which we participated in a guided tour of the exhibition on display: “Code Alimentation: les recontres”, a concerned (Feb-Jun 2020).