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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My University studies in Urban Planning at the INEAA, Institut Européen d’Aménagement et Architecture, School Architecture of Rouen, during the years 1994-1995, offered me the opportunity to work in a multicultural environment together with multidisciplinary teams and to familiarise myself with the principles of sustainable urban development, considered at the avant-garde during that period (Summit of Rio de Janeiro,1992). During and after my Master I collaborated with INEAA in some “projets urbains” based on the concepts of integrated and sustainable urban development: projet urbain de Dunquerque (1994), Regional planning of the Haute Normandie (1995), Regional planning of the Province of Bologna (1995-96). I am proficient in the specific field of integrated and sustainable urban planning: Modelos de desarrollo urbano integrado..., 2004 – 2006, Union de Terres de rivières, 2004 -2006, Sustainable and replicable project for heritage conservation and rehabilitation in Beijing, 2004 -2005, Strategic planning and Urban Planning. Methods and experiences of policies’ integration and actors involvement, bilateral cooperation Rome – L’viv, Ukraine 2005 – 2007, “Villemizero”- Methods and experience of policies’ focused on the reduction of the air pollution and sustainable transport 2006-2008, Lades, laboratorios de desarrollo sostenible”, 2006-2009, “Euroscapes” 2008-2009, CAT-MED – Platform for Susitainable Urban Models 2009 -2011, (please refer to my CV herewith attached).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I master EU funded cooperation programmes as well as main tasks pertaining the project cycle such as research, proposal writing, planning and management of complex, multi-stakeholder and Transnational projects and networks; monitoring and evaluation; administration and finance. Since 2001 I have coordinated multidisciplinary teams as head of European projects Office within Risorse per Roma, in-house company owned by the City of Rome as well as within the “DATA” - Department of Urban Planning, Sapienza University of Rome (former “DIPTU”). My lengthy experience as project manager includes territorial and decentralised cooperation, international cooperation and EU-funded projects involving EU and non-EU countries from the Mediterranean area, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia. I have conducted training programmes targeted to officers and managers of public entities and private sector interested in becoming project managers in EU-funded projects and their monitoring and evaluation, development and management of European projects. Specific training programme contents include: data collection and analysis; monitoring indicators; monitoring tasks and responsibilities; capitalisation process, evaluation criteria; evaluation tools and instruments.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Since my university years (1994-1996) until the day I have worked in a multicultural environment together with multidisciplinary teams, hence developing my ability to speak and communicate (oral and written) in the following languages: English, French and Spanish. I daily utilise these languages. Therefore, I have an appropriate knowledge of English corresponding to level C1.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Since 2001 I am Head of European projects Office on behalf of the City of Rome. My tasks: promotion, design, development, implementation and management of international and decentralized cooperation - EU-funded projects in the field of Urban sustainable development. Similar activities have been carried out by myself since 2003 on behalf of the Department of Urban planning of Sapienza University of Rome. I was the promoter in 2003 of a successful project of decentralized cooperation to develop an Urban Sustainable Development Model for Beijing under Asia-Urbs programme. Partnerships were set up with the Municipalities of Paris and Beijing, Department of Architecture and Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, Science Po in Paris and the Institute of Sociology of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University in Beijing. On behalf of the Urban Planning Department - Sapienza University of Rome, I organized and coordinated in 2012 the "Lab for City Technicians Working in the Field of Heritage and Urban Transformation” at the Italian Cultural Institute in Moscow, that presented architectural, urban and economic projects for the valorisation of historical and cultural heritage in Europe. Last February 2015 I was invited by the University of Setif, Algeria for a Master's degree in urban design, to communicate the lengthy experience of management of European projects in Rome in the field of sustainable urban development.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
The selected topic is part of my University education and specialization in sustainable urban planning in France at the INEAA, European Institute of Urban Planning, in 1994-1995. My lengthy experience of decentralized cooperation in the field of urban sustainable development and particularly in the chosen topics was conducted in many countries in the world: Latin America, Mediterranean Basin, Europe and Asia. I coordinated a permanent operational workshop in Beijing allowing young professionals of Rome, Paris and Beijing to work together from 2004 to 2005 (Asia Urbs project), involving local population of the target area located in the Old Beijing, with the support of sociologists, architects, urban planners, geographers, economists. The deliverables were particularly appreciated by the professors of Tchinghua University and even by the Civil servants of the City of Beijing that were not easily open to the European proposal from its start. More recently I cooperated with ENEA, on behalf of the City of Rome for a Proposal submitted in May 2015 for a collaborative project “Smart cities and communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse projects (first of the kind - large scale demonstration)”. Horizon 2020, SCC 1 – 2015. The lighthouses projects concerned Malaga, Malmo and Rome.
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
The selected topic is part of my University education and specialization in sustainable urban planning in France at the INEAA, European Institute of Urban Planning, in 1994-1995. My lengthy experience of decentralized cooperation in the field of urban sustainable development and particularly in the chosen topics was conducted in many countries in the world: Latin America, Mediterranean Basin, Europe and Asia. I coordinated a permanent operational workshop in Beijing allowing young professionals of Rome, Paris and Beijing to work together from 2004 to 2005 (Asia Urbs project), involving local population of the target area located in the Old Beijing, with the support of sociologists, architects, urban planners, geographers, economists. The deliverables were particularly appreciated by the professors of Tchinghua University and even by the Civil servants of the City of Beijing that were not easily open to the European proposal from its start. More recently I cooperated with ENEA, on behalf of the City of Rome for a Proposal submitted in May 2015 for a collaborative project “Smart cities and communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse projects (first of the kind - large scale demonstration)”. Horizon 2020, SCC 1 – 2015. The lighthouses projects concerned Malaga, Malmo and Rome.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
The villemizero project, Interreg 3 B (2006-2008), was promoted and developed by myself, involving the City of Rome, Lazio Region, City of Malaga, the Diputacion of Malaga (Malaga County Council), Training Centre of Athens Prefecture (Metropolitan region of Athens) and the Municipality of Athens Development Agency SA (AEDA) . As coordinator of the partnership I was responsible for designing and delivering participatory methods and tools for implementation of local policies. I was appointed, on behalf of the City of Rome, to involve the local population and associations in the coastal area of Rome in the production of environmentally friendly transport systems based on cycling and transport on rails: answers and solutions were jointly developed with citizens and associations. I carried out a design laboratory based in the Rome’s pilot area, Ostia town, involving stakeholders and citizens, enriched by the parallel experiences of citizen participation in the pilot areas of the other Mediterranean partners. The lab produced new proposals to improve the efficiency of the infrastructures and mobility systems. The pilot of Rome produced a plan of sustainable mobility using the methodology SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and shared with the Town Council of Ostia, citizens and many different actors of the private sector, with the scientific support of professionals from the Sapienza University of Rome.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In the framework of Euroscapes - Interreg 4 C on behalf of the Department of Urban Planning, Sapienza University of Rome, I was in charge of: ensuring scientific support to the partnership to define a methodology to develop Landscape Management Plan - meaning maintaining, preserving, protecting and enhancing - natural and cultural landscapes in urban and peri-urban areas; designing, delivering and monitoring of a Model of Landscape Management Plan through the implementation of an integrated management plan for Upper Tuscia’s Cultural Landscape and the Monte Rufeno Nature Reserve Thematic seminar “Historical and cultural heritage: tools and methodologies” in Viterbo ( The Management Plan of a Landscape- LMP was a tool for the implementation of the resolutions of the European Landscape Convention. It is a process of consultation and choice between the policy makers and the private sector, the institutional or associations’ partners. The phases of the LMP: 1: Data collection; 2: Landscape characterization – analysis; 3: Definition of an operational programme; 4: Implementation and monitoring See the following link:
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am member of the European Innovation Partnership – EIP on Smart Cities and Communities, on behalf of the City of Rome, Department of Urban Planning. This way, I may attend the meetings organized by such Action Cluster of EIP, to discuss and exchange policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level. Action Cluster is an assembly of partners committing to work on specific issues by sharing the expertise with their peers, giving added-value to their national and local experience and identifying gaps that need to be fulfilled at EU level. Wishing to get involved in some of the Action Clusters, I requested to be selected through an "Invitation for Commitment" application process (closed in June 2014). This way I joined the EIP. 441 commitments were submitted by groups of stakeholders spanning the public and private sector out of which 370 were selected to build up the Action Cluster. At the moment, I am member of 2 Action Cluster: Sustainable Districts and Built Environment, and Sustainable Urban Mobility. See link The contribution I proposed to EIP is in the link and concerns the Massimina informal settlement of Rome, to promote smart districts and communities within the urban critical areas (informal settlements) in the outskirts of the city.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Strategic Urban Planning. Methods and experience of policies’ integration and actors involvement , was a TACIS bilateral cooperation of Rome and L’viv (Ucraine), approved in Nov. 2004. The project focused on: facilitating relations between the actors of civil society and the regional government of L’viv; organizing meetings in L’viv to allow staff of Rome and L’viv exchange experience on urban sustainable development; study on urban regeneration of peri-urban areas of L’viv. The goal was to help L’viv to identify environmental resources and think strategically about how these resources can help a community to achieve new job opportunities. The term “urban sustainable development” was new for the staff of the regional government of L’viv in 2004. The dialogue between L’viv and Rome was decisive. I invited cross-sector participation, including representatives of the local community: religious leaders, educators, associations, policy makers, businesses. Given the political situation in Ukraine in 2004-2006, the European project left the following recommendations: - To continue Planning for urban sustainable development, by starting from the project’s deliverables on urban regeneration of some outskirts of L’viv, through a model of participatory mechanisms and social dialogue. - To create Municipal, Regional & State-level cooperation around policy and urban development. - To create urban sustainable development processes where all voices can be heard.
Summary Expertise: 
Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies in the field of urban sustainable development is my main specialization that started with my specialization in the European Institute of Urban Planning granted in France in 1995. From there, I have been promoting integrated participatory policies in all countries I worked with under European Programmes focused on territorial cooperation and decentralized cooperation, by involving local authorities , civil society and stakeholders (Interreg, Asia-Urbs, Urb-Al, TACIS, CIUDAD, ENPI CBC MED, etc.): 2003-2005 in Beijing, China, 2004-2005 in L’viv, Ukraine, 2004-2009 in many cities of Latin America, 2008-2012 in Kiev and Moscow. It has to be underlined that the challenge was very high as the above mentioned cities involved are not experienced in processes of participatory mechanisms. This experience enriched me greatly in terms of methods and tools of citizens participation, adapting and adjusting them in accordance to the local situations and cultural realities. In addition, this experience allowed me to increase my capacities and ability also in the field of territorial cooperation activities carried out within the EU.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise