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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
In the past 10 years, I have dealt with integrated and sustainable urban development with two entry points. On the one hand, I have researched and analysed cities, looking at cases and snapshots which could feed into wider urban planning and bring in added value to other EU cities through transnational learning and exchange. This has been my URBACT experience since 2014 (Social innovation in cities, REFILL and MAPS networks, the Summer University in Rotterdam in Summer 2016, the URBACT City Festival in October 2017). On the other hand, I have worked at the local level with administrations to support the co-creation of their Sustainable Food and Urban Agriculture Strategy (Brussels Ministry of the environment, in 2015), on analyzing and experimenting new collaborative models between public administrations and citizens/citizens’ initiatives (VILCO), and training local administration on “Integrated Strategies” and “Transversality” (in autumn 2016). Moreover, my studies also provided me with complementary approaches: a Master’s degree in European public policy (UCL, London in 2007) gave me the lens to analyse all the levels of the policy cycle at EU, national as well as local levels. With an extra Master’s degree in management of the environment (ULB, Brussels) in 2014, I have focused on the transition towards more resilient societies and cities, especially from the viewpoint of environmental impact and increasingly wicked challenges.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
My professional career has focused heavily on making the link between existing initiatives at ground level and upper levels of governance (EU, federal/national, and local). The main has been on the empowerment of stakeholders and capitalization from existing experiences, as well as the provision of frameworks for these exchanges as an on-going lasting processes. In addition to ‘traditional’ activities (workshops, conferences, roundtables, expert’s panels) I have designed participatory and co-creation processes for peer to peer exchange, such as: the URBACT Workstream on Social innovation in cities’ results, in 2015 to elected representatives, urban practitioners, and experts. I have also developed an extended experience of working with the URBACT programme with the REFILL and MAPS networks, facilitating the ULG@work sessions during the Summer University in Rotterdam in Summer 2016, facilitating two panels at the City Festival Festival in October 2017 and supporting the MAPS network. I am also facilitating learning and exchange as a Community Manager bringing together managing authorities dealing with EU Regional Funds, in a project funded by DG REGIO.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have written multiple reports and made various presentations in English: for native speakers (for example in UK contexts, e.g. through coordination meetings) as well as for non-native speakers’ audiences (e.g. URBACT City festivals May 2015 and October 2017). My written publications range from case studies to formal reports, through journalistic types of writings. I have also published a chapter in a Routledge publication based on the data collected during the above mentioned URBACT Workstream on Social innovation in cities. I also publish articles on my personal blog and on the URBACT blog. Oral presentations range from static to interactive presentations of project results through dynamic facilitation of activities as well as immediate integration and analysis of outcomes of events (e.g. rapporteur at workshops) and trainings.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have over ten years of experience of combining research and analysis for the empowerment of stakeholders. For this regard I have focused heavily on the identification of practices that could be inspiring for other stakeholders: so that they can compare themselves to other initiatives, learn from their lessons, and take away what they feel is necessary and relevant. This goes hand in hand with the support of a network of these activities. This means that I have developed series of tools and methodologies that are easy to use and grasp: face-to-face communication and learning transfer for example, through the use of visuals, dynamic presentations and colours, malleable and palpable tools, embodied in a wider picture. Throughout many projects I have developed case studies collections based on in-depth visits to initiatives, with a flexible methodology: sometimes based on various guides, grids, posters and facilitation tools, sometimes more in an exploratory manner. I find blogging and the use of social media also key to create and support networks of stakeholders on given topics or interest. Report, with policy messages and recommendations are also very accessible and always available information that urban practitioners and experts can easily refer to.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have strong experience in social innovation as new ways for cities to engage with citizens, deliver collaborative service and change administrative paradigm. . I have a strong expertise and practical work on local governance. I have developed projects and worked with the URBACT programme in various instances in order to understand in-depth the mechanisms for local governance but also providing some concrete tools, approaches and methodologies to support these processes. I have co-coordinated the URBACT Workstream on Social innovation in cities, in 2015. I have assisted the REFILL network, facilitated the ULG@work sessions during the Summer University in Rotterdam in Summer 2015, facilitated two panels at the URBACT City Festival in October 2017 and supported the MAPS network. I am also currently working within a research project in the Brussels’ region on the collaboration between public administrations and citizens/citizens’ initiatives – VILCO. I am also part of the Council in charge of assessing the projects to get a “participatory budget” in Brussels. I also provided two trainings to local administrations in Brussels in autumn 2016 on “Integrated Strategies” and “Transversality”. Finally, in addition to the URBACT paper and online publications, I have published a chapter in a Routledge publication based on the data collected during the above-mentioned URBACT Workstream on Social innovation in cities.
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have strong expertise on social innovation, business innovation and the new roles of the universities (3rd mission and co-creation for sustainability). I am currently working on a H2020 project on the transfer of RRI principles to SMEs, COMPASS. I co-coordinated the URBACT Workstream on Social innovation in cities, in 2015. I have also worked on projects dealing with entrepreneurial innovation: “Interim evaluation of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013)” for DG ENTR in 2009, “Collection of good practices for fostering innovation and creativity” for DG EAC in 2009, and “Interim Evaluation of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme” DG ENTR 2008. I have also researched the new roles of (entrepreneurial) universities and have submitted proposal for publications on this topic. I am also in frequent cooperation with universities at conferences, for proposal writing etc.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have long lasting experience of policy design and implementation in relation to green infrastructure and protection of Biodiversity. I have worked on several EU projects dealing with those issues: “Benefits of achieving the EU biodiversity objectives in the Labour Market and identification of shortcomings in the current workforce skills to reap these benefits and achieve these targets” for DG ENV in 2012, “Combined Impact Assessment and ex-ante evaluation of the LIFE Regulation” for DG ENV in 2011, “Design, Implementation and Cost Elements of Green Infrastructure Projects” for DG ENV in 2011, “Green infrastructure implementation and efficiency” for DG ENV in 2011, “Preparation actions for Natura 2000: the economics and social benefits associated with the Natura 2000 network” for DG ENV in 2009, “Evaluation of the communication of LIFE for the period 2000-2007” for DG ENV in 2008. These were a combiniation of case studies, policy messages and recommendations. I have also completed this practical knowledge by theoretical one, especially for the study of environmental economics, law, policies, and integrated issues during a Master’s degree in management of the environment at ULB in 2014-2015.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Food
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My expertise on sustainable food ranges from consumer behaviour to business models, throuhg a focus on short food supply chains, governance, and circular economy. I have worked on several local projects seeking to provide toolkits and solutions to citizens/consumers in relation to sustainable food. These have been the set-up and support of the “Fridge Masters”’ network (citizens fighting against food waste), a “Sustainable table” toolkit” for the Etterbeek council I also supported a research project on the logistics of Short Food Supply Chains in Brussels. I have also worked at a strategic level to support the region of Brussels in its policies through the “Support to the co-construction of a Strategy on Sustainable Food and Urban Agriculture” and “Benchmarking study of existing systems for the disposal of tap water in restaurants” . I designed and implemented a class linking theory with practice, on the theory of practices: theory and practice with the case of anti food waste practices” at ULB. I have been a member of the Brussels Network of Sustainable Food Stakeholders (RABAD) since 2013, maintain a blog of sustainable recipes. I have also conducted a Master’s degree dissertation on consumption practices related to vegetable box schemes and made a presentation at the Interdisciplinary Congress on Sustainable Development in May 2015 on this topic.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
The “Support to the co-construction of a Strategy on Sustainable Food and Urban Agriculture in the Brussels capital region” (2015), was designed in two phases. 1.The project was launched through an event co-organised with the Ministry of the environment. I co-created snapshots of food landscape in Brussels in 2035 in the form of posters (based on literature review) which were presented in plenary and then discussed with groups. I then facilitated group works on the co-construction of a common vision for the landscape of food system in Brussels In 2035. This facilitation was based on guiding questions, creation of a poster and presentation in plenary. 250 people attended this launching event. Following this event, a vision was designed. 2.In 6 subsequent workshops I co-facilitated the operationalisaiton of this vision, through objectives and action pre-defined by the Ministry. These workshops included a budgetisation of the activites. We used posters with pre-defined question (who does what, with what funding, how …), we had prepared guiding suggestion to unblock the debate if needed, and subquestions to be answered to in order to ensure the operationalisation was fully conducted. The last part of this day was a presentation and video capture of each of the posters (6 in total), and a priorisation of the actions. The outcomes of these discussions, and working groups will be integrated in the Strategy on Sustainable Food and Urban Agriculture in the Brussels region.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The example given above provides insights into the way I co-designed an urban strategy. Through the “Benchmarking study of existing systems for the disposal of tap water in restaurants” I have also designed a sustainable policy but also provided the tools and methodology which could be used to make it effective, as well as monitoring and evaluation methods that would need to be ensured. Through the URBACT Capitalisation work on Social innovation in cities, I have also provided recommendations for designing, implementing and upscaling/diffusing new policies enabling new approaches for city governance.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I possess theoretical and practical insights which have equipped me with a strong basis to easily identify development of policy and funds schemes related to sustainable urban development. I monitor policy trends, EU funding- to identify opportunities for projects as well as to observe the positioning of the EU. I also carry out academic analysis of these developments. For this purpose I use my private and professional network, offline and online. I use generalist media as well as social media (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) to get up to date. I also regularly visit pages of EU DGs and initiatives. I regularly attend conferences, fora and symposia. Based in Brussels, I have easy access to them. When I am unable to travel I also follow the webcasts of these events.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Understanding the local situation is key in order to ensure that adequate tool are designed. This has for example been the case of my work on “Benchmarking study of existing systems for the disposal of tap water in restaurants”. The rationale was to identify what works in other EU cities and what could correspond to the cultural reality of the Brussels region. Having worked on many EU projects, I have always first sketched to the reality of the countries and cities being studies on a given topic, to grasp the extent to which the issues were wicked, needed a holistic approach and which had it been in this particular context. This has always been the prerequisite to design the subsequent tools. The tools, such as toolkits, collection of good practices, case studies, reports, recommendations, all had features which could be common across countries and cities and specific ones (presented by theme, region, size of cities etc…)
Summary Expertise: 
I have strong experience in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies, from the very street level to EU level, trough city and regional levels. Understanding the local situation is key in order to ensure that adequate tool are designed. The rationale is to identify what works in other EU cities and what could correspond to the cultural reality of a given city or Region. Yet, the best at knowing what suits them are the stakehodlers concerned: the role of the epxert as such is to support the process but not to direct it, to be present but not overwelming, to let ideas arise being able to steer the co-creation process... Having worked on many EU projects, I have always first sketched to the reality of the countries and cities being studies on a given topic. This has always been the prerequisite to design the subsequent tools. The tools, such as toolkits, collection of good practices, reports, recommendations, all had features which could be common across countries and cities and specific ones. All the above-mentionned projects and experiences include elements of integration and participation. No methodology is fixed: it is udpated as needs to be upfront and during the processes, be they supported by visioning, roadmapping, backcasting, co-creation, monitoring or evaluation methods that would need to be ensured...


Residence location:
French - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise