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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Sustainable urban development has been part of my international cooperative activities and projects since early 1990s. Working for the promotion of European projects since 1990 and being employed in a multi-utility company owned by the City Local Authority of Brescia and Milan ( - North Italy) has allowed me initiating several initiatives related to urban development in general and service planning and deployment in particular (mobility, environment, energy, waste, water management). Exemplary projects I have initiated and conducted in the field of sustainable development include: - 2015/16 "Brescia Smart Living" project - Funded by the Italian Ministry of research - Smart Cities Programme - aim: development of a smart city strategy planning for the city of Brescia - 2013/14/15 “Pitagoras” – Sustainable urban Planning with Innovative Generation from renewable Sources – funded by EU DG Energy (SMART CITIES Programme) – partners: Municipality of Graz (AT), etc - 2008/09 “ BIOGASMAX ” – Regional clean fuel strategic planning on production and usage of biomethane as a transportation fuel – supported by EC DG TREN – partners: Region of Lombardy (IT), Lille (FR), Gotheborg, Stockholm, Berne - 1995/96/97/98 Med-Urbs project "Le chariot du soleil" - supported by EC DG I(Med-Urbs programme) - partners: Municipalities of Gaza (Palestine), Agadir (Morocco), Alger (Algeria), Brescia (IT) and St. Denis (FR) -aims: urban replanning of the city development in Gaza and Agadir
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Exchange and learning activities at transnational level are the core of my role and responsibility as Project Funding Manager within the non-profit public/private research centre I joined towards the end of 2013 ( Exchange of best practices and technology transfer are part of the research centre mission and the transnational focus represents a key asset. Exemplary projects I have initiated or reviewed in connection to exchange and transnational learning include: - 2013/14/15 “JAGE” –funded by the EC – DG CONNECT – aim: operation of the joint implementation initiative more years better lives – Bonetti reviewer -2013 “AALIANCE2” – funded by EC – DG ICT – aim: management of the European Ambient Assisted Living Alliance – Bonetti reviewer -2008/09/10“NESSI” – funded by EC – DG ICT – aim: Network European Software and Services Initiative – Bonetti reviewer - 2008/09, “eTen NCP SS – Training performance” – supported by EC eTen programme – partners: Innova (PT), Intracom (GR), Bt Connect (UK), InnovationRelay – aim: organise training sessions for eTen funded projects on issues related to support the exploitation of their results – Bonetti project partner -2007“NESSI-SOFT” – funded by EC – DG ICT – aim: Network European Software and Services Initiative – Bonetti reviewer - 1996/97 "Pacte" project on energy management in Municipal Public Buildings - supported by DG XVI -partners: Cities of Helsinki, Pori, Piraeus, Brescia and Palermo – Bonetti Project Manager
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
My proficiency in English is not supported by certificates (my English studies were limited to high-school and a University examination), but is witnessed by my more than 20 years appointment as an expert evaluator and reviewer on behalf of the European Commission, implying the reading and examination of project proposals, oral discussion of the findings within consensus and review meetings and written preparation of findings within review reports. I have been appointed as rapporteur by the European Commission for the preparation of official reports in English (see IPPA reports within my CV) and workshops (see December 2013 and November 2014 workshops in Brussels, where I have acted as workshop rapporteur, including the preparation of related workshop reports that have been published on the EC website). Similarly, my participation in average to 5 to 10 evaluation sessions of project proposals in Brussels, includes the oral discussion and written preparation of hundreds of evaluation reports in English, yearly.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have more than 25 years of experience in transnational projects in which I have been involved, with an important role in the design and the delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities. This is evident in particular in some of the projects (as from my Curriculum Vitae) where I have been particularly involved in activities related to working relationship at a distance or using social media or online surveys. Relevant international projects where I have not only participated but where I also acted as project manager witness my involvement and successful understanding of dynamics and cultural differences. Probably, the best examples of my ability to work out common interests of different partner needs and starting points, within international settings, is represented by my acting as Chair in evaluation panel, on behalf of the European Commission, in particular in connection to the evaluation of proposals submitted under the Marie Curie funding programme. Acting as Chair (I was appointed on this role several times in the last 10 years) has meant to manage around 100 experts (in average) within single broad panel meetings, trying to accommodate different views (in terms of evaluation approach, understanding of evaluation criteria, fine-tuning of evaluation scoring) and leading not only the meeting, but in general the evaluation process deployment, under time and quality pressure. All evaluation sessions resulted to be successful in their intended scope.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My Thematic expertise spans, in terms of deep knowledge of the selected themes and related policy challenges, on the sub-themes and professional background that emerge also from exemplary projects I have promoted and contributed in such themes, namely: 5. Research, innovation and knowledge economy Innovation management is my core mission and responsibility within csmt (
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My Thematic expertise spans, in terms of deep knowledge of the selected themes and related policy challenges, on the sub-themes and professional background that emerge also from exemplary projects I have promoted and contributed in such themes, namely: 9. Sustainable urban mobility This is the subject of several international projects I have promoted and reviewed (see my CV), especially in traveller information, public transport management
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My Thematic expertise spans, in terms of deep knowledge of the selected themes and related policy challenges, on the sub-themes and professional background that emerge also from exemplary projects I have promoted and contributed in such themes, namely: 8. Environmental issues This is the focus of various international projects I have promoted and managed in the last 25 years (see my CV for further details), especially in renewable energy, water and waste management
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My Thematic expertise spans, in terms of deep knowledge of the selected themes and related policy challenges, on the sub-themes and professional background that emerge also from exemplary projects I have promoted and contributed in such themes, namely: 1. Urban strategic planning This is the focus of exemplary European projects I have conducted and reviewed in the last years (see my CV for more details) , in particular in terms of mobility, public services, environmental and energy related issues

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In terms of participatory methods for local policies implementation, the best exemplary projects I have promoted and participated are the following: - 2013/14/15 “JAGE” –funded by the European Commission – DG CONNECT – aim: operation of the joint implementation initiative more years better lives. -2004“WEBOCRACY” – funded by the European Commission – DG ICT – aim: development of an advanced e-government system. In these project, I have acted as project reviewer, focused in particular on the definition of how to ensure participation of citizens within remote governance and polling systems and on how to involve and ensure active participation of member stated representative in joint programming initiatives.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In terms of knowledge on the deployment of urban strategies, the best exemplary project I have promoted and participated is the following: - 2013/14/15 “Pitagoras” – Sustainable urban Planning with Innovative and low energy Thermal And power Generation from Residual And renewable Sources – funded by EU DG Energy (7thFramework Programme – SMART CITIES Programme) – partners: Tecnalia (ES),Municipality of Bilbao (ES) and of Graz (AT), Aciona (ES), Foresteel, USS and Technomont (Czech Republic), CIM-MES (Poland), Aermec (IT), etc. In this project, I’m acting as supporting expert, in particular in terms of project monitoring and urban policy assessment. Tools that I use for monitoring sustainability are a sort of benchmarking and impact assessment, from political, energy, environmental perspectives.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Keeping update in terms of sustainable urban development funds is exactly at the core of my actual role, namely as “Project Funding” Manager at CSMT ( Updating is done trough constant monitoring, with the support of a team of collaborators and also through the deployment of training and learning initiatives (workshops, conferences, info-days).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In terms of adapting tools and approaches to local conditions, the best exemplary project I have promoted and participated is the following: - 1995/96/97/98Med-Urbs project "Le chariot du soleil" - supported by EC DG I(Med-Urbs programme) - partners: Municipalities of Gaza (Palestine), Agadir (Morocco), of Alger (Algeria), Brescia (IT) and of St. Denis (FR) -aims: urban replanning of the inner city development in Gaza and of the traffic system in Agadir (Bonetti Project Manager) In this project, involved urban realities were so different in status, culture, history, approach and resources that adaptation was a must, in order to find commonalities in tools and approaches, at the same time respecting peculiarities of the different participating urban environments.
Summary Expertise: 
In terms of expertise in supporting local authorities in deploying participatory methods, I have carried out several transnational cooperative initiatives and projects, testing approaches, deploying methodologies, assessing policy impacts, through a variegate experience lasting since early 90’s and still visible in important running projects where I act as partner, for certain cases Project manager, and in many other cases as independent expert evaluator and reviewer.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise