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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development arise from the activities carried out in the most advanced EU initiatives and projects such as: EIP SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES As member of the Road Map Group of European Innovation Partnership, Smart city and Communities Platform, I have cooperated in the development of the Guidance Note IAP Integrated Action Plan. https://eu-smartcities/eu/sites/all/files/Integrated%20Action%20Plan.pdf Moreover I have supported The Sherpa Group of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities for the drafting of the Operational Implementation Plan and Strategic Implementation Plan: Priority- Area Integrated Planning and Management. COVENANT OF MAYOR As expert of the EC JRC I have contributed to the development of the Guide Lines of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans of the Covenant of Mayor(2009-2011) CONCERTO As expert of the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea I have coordinated the activities in the European of CONCERTO HOLISTIC Project in order to foster sustainable urban development in Italy.(2007- 2012) Based of this background I am Action Leader of the EIP SCC AC Integrated Planning & Policy Regulation Subgroup 3 “From Integrated Planning to Viable Implementation
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
As leader of the Subgroup 3 of the AC Integrated Planning & Policy Regulation EIP SCC, I am operating at transnational level in order to foster exchange, benchmarking, replicating of the most advanced EU urban planning projects and initiatives (such as TRANSFORM; STEP UP, CELSIUS, EEA; STEEP, STRING)
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Evidence of my capacity to communicate fluently in English (oral and written) is provided by more than 20 years of activities carried out operating at transnational level (European projects, EC Expert)

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
URBAN STRATEGIC PLANNING My comprehensive knowledge include urban labs, urban planning and integrated approach. a) URBAN LABS I have shared to the development and implementation of CONCERTO I and II projects. Main aim of CONCERTO is the implementation and monitoring of sustainable urban areas (contributing EU’s goals of enhancing EE and energy security, reducing CO2 emissions, and increasing the share of RE) SCC projects include planning and implementation urban labs. b) URBAN PLANNING-COVENANT OF MAJOR (SEAPS): I have cooperated with JRC in the development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans Guidelines as well in in deep analysis of SEAPs. Main aim was to provide a guide to develop urban planning in the different urban sectors c) INTEGRATED URBAN PLANNING- EIP SMART CITY AND COMMUNITIES As member of the Road Map Group of European Innovation Partnership SCC Platform I have cooperated in the development of the Guidance Note IAP Integrated Action Plan. Main aim is to provide an integrated approach to urban planning. PRESENT ACTIVITIES: As Action Leader of the EIP AC Integrated Planning. Subgroup 3 “From Integrated panning to viable implementation” I am managing a shared agenda between the participating SCC projects, in order to deliver a bestpractice guide to boost viable implementation

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As leader of the EIP Subgroup 3 I have designed a shared framework with the committed SCC Projects (e.g TRANSFORM; STEP UP, CELSIUS, EEA; STEEP, STRING) for delivering participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local policies, to boost viable implementation on the basis of integrated planning. Examples of tools and methods used : Objective: Share experiences on integrated planning solutions to business models to support Smart Cities integrated planning and implementation (policies, local governance, benchmarking, investment plan, replicability, networking, ) and take joint actions Target Group: Local authorities (cities, cities alliance.), stakeholders, R&D and solutions providers. FOCUS 1. EXPERIENCES AND BEST PRACTICES on developing integrated planning solutions into business areas for market and policy actors, based on the commitments (e.g. ongoing EU SCC project and initiatives, city commitments etc), in order to highlight: - Integrated planning solutions at city level; New governance models for city lab implementation Monitoring and updating flexible city plans 2. Identify a ROAD MAP from planning to real investment and policy
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
EIP SCC Platform (2012-2014) Cooperation in the Preparation of The 10 year Rolling AGENDA (addressed to EIP Smart City and Communities and to the Commission) and of the selection of the Smart Cities KI key innovations As expert of the EC JRC I have contributed to the development of the Guide Lines of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans of the Covenant of Mayor(2009-2011) My role in the development of the SEAP Guidelines was of a specific contribution on the methodological assessment, on the panning /governance issues as well on a general contribution on a revision of the technical guidelines part.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
As Action leader of the EIP Integrated planning Subgroup 3 “From Integrated panning to viable implementation” we are closely working with the Subgroup Business model, in order to identify the most advanced funding scheme bridging the gap between the planning a economical viable implementation. These based also on the awareness coming also from the guidance notes “Using EU Funding mechanism for Smart Cities” and financial models for smart cities; //
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
As member of the EIP SCC Platform Road Map Group, I have cooperated in the understanding of specific local situations and in the adapting tools and content to boost advanced local realities: a) The application of Solution Proposals in the different field of application (sustainable mobility, energy supply&Smart Grids/Transport &mobility/ICT/ end use Energy Efficiency) have been promoted. Innovation of maturity and interested cities have been pointed out. b) Keys to innovations, selected among and across solution proposals, have been included in the EIP Operational Plan.
Summary Expertise: 
More recent experiences in supporting Local Authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies are the following:: - As member of the EIP SCC Platform Road Map Group, I have cooperated in the understanding of specific local situations and in the adapting tools and content to boost advanced local realities: a) The application of Solution Proposals in the different field of application (sustainable mobility, energy supply&Smart Grids/Transport &mobility/ICT/ end use Energy Efficiency) have been promoted. Innovation of maturity and interested cities have been pointed out. b) Keys to innovations, selected among and across solution proposals, have been included in the EIP Operational Plan. At present as Action leader of the EIP Integrated planning Subgroup 3 “From Integrated panning to viable implementation” – - I have designed an agenda for delivering participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local policies. Most Advanced European SCC Project and Initiative are sharing to this Group (as TRANSFORM; STEP UP, CELSIUS, EEA; STEEP, STRING) - We are closely working with the Subgroup Business model, in order to identify the most advanced funding scheme bridging the gap between the planning towards an economical viable implementation.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise