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Become Next European Green Capital – Hamburg Video!

Edited on

24 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

Awarded European Green Capital 2011, the City of Hamburg (Germany) is an ambassador for green urban living, promoting economic growth and smart infrastructure solutions, while boosting tourism. This video clip accompanies this year's call for applications, promoting Hamburg as a best practice example for city administrations across Europe that would like to implement equally attractive measures in their regions and be awarded the next European Green Capital.


Hamburg, an URBACT city in the spotlights
This clip illustrates the qualities that helped the German city of Hamburg become the 2011 European Green Capital, in a competition created by the European Commission in 2008 to recognise cities with good track records and ambitious plans to improve their environment. The clip highlights how Hamburg balances economic and environmental development.

Hamburg European Green Capital 2011 – Video! par urbact

By the way, Hamburg is partner city in the URBACT SUITE project. "The Housing Project" led by the city of Santiago de Compostela, is focussing on social and urban inclusion through housing. Nine cities are working together within this URBACT project to find ways to provide sustainable and affordable housing supply and to guarantee social cohesion through social mix and sustainable housing.

The next European Green Capitals will be Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) for 2012 and Nantes (France) for 2013.

Will your city be Europe's Green Capital?

Does your city deserve European-wide recognition for its hard work in meeting the environmental challenges our society is facing? Should your city be considered a leading destination for green tourism and green industry in Europe?

Applying for the 2014 edition of the European Green Capital could help your city gain the green reputation it deserves. Participating in the competition is a unique opportunity for your city to become an example at a European level and an ambassador for a better and greener world – just look at Hamburg, European Green Capital 2011. And what's more, being awarded the Green Capital title can not only bring great advantages to your city’s image but also help boost its economy and attract tourists.

Applications for the next edition of the award will close on 14 October 2011. Make sure your city is Europe's Green Capital 2014!

Information for mayors and city administrators that wish to apply is available on the Green Capital website: Applying for the Award.

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