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Apply to be a Lead Expert of a Pan-African network!

Edited on

23 May 2019
Read time: 1 minute
This call is now closed

Based on the URBACT methodology, the ANRU (French National Agency for Urban Renewal) and the AFD (French Development Agency) are launching a network of African cities dedicated to the question of digital governance, the ASToN project.

As it exists in the framework of the URBACT Programme, a Lead Expert shall be appointed for the whole duration of the project, apply now for this position!

The ANRU, public industrial and commercial establishment that also manages the URBACT III programme, has partnered with AFD to create a network of African cities around smart city issues (African Smart Towns Network - ASToN). The development of this network will be carried out following the method established by URBACT in Europe. This includes specific actions and interventions in regards to transnational exchange, capacity-building, capitalisation and dissemination.

The ASToN network and its partner cities shall benefit from the support of experts. In the overall budget of the project, a dedicated envelope shall be allocated to experts commissioned to provide 3 main types of expertise:

  • Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities.
  • Thematic expertise related to the urban policy challenges, in particular in Smart Cities related areas, addressed by the ASToN network and by each partner city.
  • Expertise support for local authorities and other stakeholders in the design and delivery of integrated and participatory policies.

The key role of the Lead Expert is to support the partnership with the delivery of network activities and expected deliverables throughout the network life cycle. In addition, expertise budget can also be used to commission ad hoc experts who will provide support for a specific activity (e.g. thematic input at network seminar, facilitation, production of specific thematic outputs).




Download the position description (in English or in French) for further details.


Interested candidates are requested to send their application in French and English, namely a Curriculum Vitae accompanied by a cover letter specifically elucidating their relevant experience, their motivations and the reasons why they believe to be the ideal candidate for this position. All applications must be sent by email until 20 May 2019 to Thierry Picquart, Head of the Administration and Coordination Unit.