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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Giorgio Ambrosino’s professional and education background has provided him with an expert overall understanding and knowledge of sustainable urban development. He has a Master in Information Technology and Computer Science. He has been lecturer on ITS, Public Transport and urban mobility and he has scientific collaboration with a large number of research organisations and international universities. For over 30 years, he has supported Public Authorities and Transport Operators in the design of services and implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Public Transport, Urban Mobility, Traffic Management and City Logistics services. His expertise covers large projects for Public Transport (Fleet Management Systems, User Information Systems, E-Ticketing, Intermediate and Flexible Services), Urban Mobility Planning (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Bus Rapid Transit Corridors, Transport Infrastructures and Network, Traffic Network Modeling and Assessment), Traffic Management (Urban Traffic Control schemes, Access Control Systems, Bus Priority, Integrated Parking Systems, Variable Message signs etc.), City Logistics Services (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan, logistics services and operators networking, B2B and B2C services, regulation framework, etc). GA works also on the "Smart City" measures providing assistance to Local Public Authorities for the definition of operational/organisational impacts required to manage technologies.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Giorgio Ambrosino has worked on European and transnational projects for over 30 years. In addition to numerous R&D projects, he has participated in and coordinated numerous projects focused on transnational exchange and learning. Taking into account the most recent period, in 2000-2006 he was involved as Project Manager and/or Technical Coordinator in a number of INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC projects. In the subsequent periods he extended this experience to the European Territorial Cooperation programmes INTERREG IVC, MED, SEE, ENPI, as well as FP7 and LIFE and, most recently, to Horizon 2020. Within these projects he has been technical coordinator of activities looking to transfer experiences, knowledge and good practices from one area to another and to develop concrete actions plans and monitoring systems. Some recent examples include, but are not limited to: • INTERREG IVC Project EPTA (European Model for a Public Transport Authority – 2012 - 2014); • INTERREG IV C Project, FLIPPER (Flexible Transport Services and ICT platform for Eco-Mobility in urban and rural European areas – 2008-2011); • INTERREG IIIC East Project TRANSURBAN (concerning the Urban Regeneration and impacts analysis of Tram way and BRT network based an integrated ITS package – 2007-2008); • INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC Project MADAMA (concerning the development of Risk management systems for dangerous goods transport in the Mediterranean area – 2006-2008).
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Proficiency in English is demonstrated by Giorgio Ambrosino’s professional experience. Throughout his career he has been involved in various initiatives and in different environments where the working language was English. These include: • The numerous European project in which he has been involved. These demonstrate his proficiency in written English (drafting project application forms and project reports) and in spoken English (managing international consortium, moderating meetings with international partners, dealing with funding agencies, etc); • Academic lecturing. He has been a lecturer in English on ITS , Public Transport and urban mobility in university courses / events at international level, including: ECOMO in Tokyo, Abeerdeen University (Scotland), Newcastle University (UK), Thessaloniki University (GR), ENEA, Logistics Institute in Poznan (PL), Technical University of Crete (GR); • His participation as Technical and Scientific Committee member and as Chairman in different European and international conferences and workshops.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Overall, GA has a long a complete experience in all the different aspects of the design and delivery of transitional exchange and learning activities. From the definition of learning and training strategies, tools and methods to the delivery of presentations, and training sessions. Furthermore, GA is also an experienced moderator and a captivating speaker, who is able to adapt his approach and focus to the target audience and to engage different participants and learners independently from their status and level of knowledge of the issue discussed.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Sustainable urban mobility is the core field of experience of Mr. Ambrosino, who could develop and enhance his skills in this field both thanks to EU/transnational projects and to his collaboration with national/local authorities and transport operators. The experience of Mr. Ambrosino is not limited to the general concept of “sustainable urban mobility”, since he has a strong and extensive knowledge also of the different components of this concept and supporting conditions (for instance, ICT and Intelligent Transport Systems supporting the overall urban mobility system). Furthermore, GA has a long experience in communicating with, training and involving different local stakeholders (from policy-makers to transport and freight operators).

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
The projects and experiences described previously show Giorgio Ambrosino’s extensive work with local authorities and other stakeholders in public policy design and integration. Concerning the design and delivery of participatory methods and tools, the following examples can be cited: - INTERREG IIIC TRANSURBAN: GA defined and managed methods and tools for planning a new and enhanced PT network with respect to the current and near future mobility demand. This task was implemented in the context of the urban area of Livorno (IT) considering also the interactions/conflicts with the port area. This was achieved by the strong involvement of the stakeholders, politicians and technicians of the Municipality, Province, Port Authority and Tuscany Region
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Giorgio Ambrosino has been involved in the design and application of monitoring tools, particularly for sustainable urban mobility. Some relevant examples include projects undertaken with local transport operators, such as: - INTERREG IIIC SUNRISE: GA was the coordinator of the development of suitable solutions for PT with respect to low-demand time windows and areas. These solutions were demonstrated in different urban areas and GA was responsible, on behalf of Florence (IT) Transport Operator (ATAF), of the monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the solutions in terms of the overall accessibility and benefits to the specific target groups.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
The daily experience “on field” allows Giorgio Ambrosino to constantly be up to date with latest trends and strategies. Moreover he constantly monitors dedicated websites and other media and participates in international events both as invited speaker and as audience.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
As technical coordinator and project manager of European projects Giorgio Ambrosino has followed numerous phases of activity that start from an analysis of the local situation, before moving on to analyse how good practices at European level can be applied in each case (necessary adaptation, necessary stakeholder engagement, etc). This work builds on his extensive knowledge of local situations in Tuscany, Italy but also in many different European and world cities, developed through the extensive services provides to public authorities and transport operators. Specific examples of recent projects include: - INTERREG IVC FLIPPER (Flexible Transport Services and ICT Platform for Eco-Mobility in European Urban and Rural Areas 2009-2011): after a partner change in the second half of project lifetime, GA adapted project tools and strategies in order to enable the incoming partner (Local Authority) to plan and implement his activities at local level in an efficient way, despite the close timing.
Summary Expertise: 
As demonstrated in the sections above, GA has an extensive experience supporting local authorities and stakeholders in the definition and uptake of local policies and strategies. His consolidated experience was achieved both in the framework of EU/transnational projects and in supporting and coordinating local/regional/national actors. The successful approach adopted by Mr Ambrosino is based on understanding and filling the gap that may exist between the political perspective and the technical issues (i.e. supporting technologies).


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise