Amarante’s bees bloom
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24 June 2021Amarante is a small European city located in northern Portugal, near Porto, surrounded by amazing mountains, with a lot of history, of which honey and beekeeping are a part of. It has an urban center rich in green spaces full of autochthones melliferous plants, ideal for the bees and other pollinators, but it is in the mountains that the greatest wealth exists, honey.

Read some of the most outstanding achievements of the City of Amarante. In the transfer story Ana Lirio, the ULG coordinator for Amarante, presented how they learnt about the project and started work on it. She presents all the key players and events that shaped their path and made their own Bee Path a possibility. The ULG team and their dedication makes them the 2nd largest ULG group in the project. They have also outgrown their city boundaries and the ULG team has members from the cities of Porto, Braga and Villa Real. The online survey on the public perception of bees and urban beekeeping was carried out in the spring of 2020 which showed that people care about bees and like seeing them around, but a basic fear of bees still remains. All in all the changes in the city administration as well as in its green areas have had an effect on all involved.
Read more about them HERE.
Visit the city Bee Path:
Submitted by v.erhart on