Validated Lead Expert
Generic Skills
B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development:
As a sociologist specialized in public policies and citizen participation in the framework of sustainable urban development, this allows me to apply a comprehensive methodological perspective to the generation of consensus around public policies in the field of sustainable urban development. Practically all of my professional experience has been linked to local and regional public administrations in different areas.
Initially, my work was oriented towards citizen participation and participatory action research in processes of integration of migrants and local participatory processes (participatory budgets, urban planning, social co-management of facilities).
Later, and during the span of 10 years, I have worked fully in different environmental and social sectors linked to sustainable development for both local administrations and larger European projects. Waste management, energy efficiency, sustainable consumption, green and sustainable public procurement, environmental education, are a few of the areas that I have delved into for European projects, strategic consultancy for administrations, or applied research as well. Currently, my work revolves around the execution, design, and advice to municipalities and regional governments surrounding strategic plans for Smart Cities with a focus on sustainable development, democracy, and the appropriate use of technologies to improve the quality of life for citizens.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level:
Having participated in collaborative European projects has allowed me to perform diverse tasks: from being part of a technical team, to being part of the coordination of a site within the framework of a Lighthouse Project. These required skills and capacity in exchange and learning activities at a transnational level. Moreover, activities such as workshops, seminars, and conferences are characteristic of some of the collaborative activities I have been a part of.
That said, the GGP INfoNET (Life +) project in particular, aimed at creating a network of 9 public administrations to facilitate the promotion and dissemination of green purchases in Public Procurement (GPP).This project focused on capacity building and knowledge transfer.
Further learning experiences at the transnational level include training sessions linked to the practical implementation of green public procurement, such as:
- Lessons learned supporting the design and implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement initiatives: Conference for the "National capacity building activity on Green Public Procurement Procedures", Horizon 2020 Capacity Building / Mediterranean Environment Program. Zagreb (Croatia)
- “Green Public Procurement: Instruments to improve Sustainable Management within the Public Administration”, Tione of Trento, Italy (“Gli acquisti pubblici verdi: Strumenti per migliorare la gestione sostenibile delle pubbliche amministrazioni", Tione di Trento, Italy
B.3. Proficiency in English:
Following my experience in numerous European projects since 2006, I have been able to work in English, and indeed, improve my written and spoken English to the point where I am now proficient.
Additionally, I am proficient in Italian, as I spent a year interning in the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, Italy.
As referenced in my CV, I have given conferences and seminars in English (Zagreb, 2011) and in Italian (Trento 2008).
Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
My Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, as well as my postgraduate courses on "Local government, participation and sustainable development", and on the "Evaluation of the design, implementation and impact of public policies", have allowed me cross-sectional training in terms of methodologies, in specific realms linked to sustainable development (i.e environmental vectors, citizen participation, impact of public policies in the field of production, and sustainable consumption).
Furthermore, many of the European and Latin American transnational projects that I have been involved with, have allotted me multiple functions in very diverse topics, contributing to my wide-ranging breadth of skills and training.
I am used to applying distinct methods (research or participative) in order to design sustainable and smart city strategies or action plans, in accordance with the city’s needs. Moreover, and whenever possible, I introduce participatory approaches inspired by participatory action research, contributing to the constitution of a framework of mutual learning and consensus-building that allows establishing strategies and agreed-upon plans among the different stakeholders in a city.
Thematic expertise:
Theme / Policy:
Sustainable Housing
Summary Thematic expertise:
My experience with sustainable housing in transnational projects is mostly related to two projects: EUPopp and GrowSmarter. EUPopp was a research project focused on policy assessment and on the environmental impacts of public policies, with the goal of reaching a behavioral change that could lead to sustainable consumption patterns among households in terms of energy and water consumption, as well as waste management.
GrowSmarter’s H2020 Lighthouse Project focused on energy efficiency, mobility, and ICT, and has as its goal the energy refurbishment of a 100.000 m2 building area. Under this framework, residential buildings in Barcelona have been refurbished through the installation of HEMS (Home-Energy-Management-Systems). HEMS make inhabitants aware of their energy consumption and, thus, to be more responsible regarding these.
As part of the technical team in EUPopp, I analyzed the environmental and social impacts of public policies aiming for a higher sustainable consumption. My role also entailed the coordination of the analysis of environmental impacts with the analysis of public policies. In GrowSmarter my functions revolved around the coordination of the different stakeholders in order to achieve the objectives of the project.
Theme / Policy:
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise:
A large part of my professional experience has been linked to the environmental field, which I have approached from several perspectives and multiple tools: Sustainable consumption, production and political advice, or the advice given to the National Action Plan for Sustainable Consumption and Production in Croatia; the promotion and study of sustainable lifestyles in Spread Sustainable Lifestyles; YouthxChange; and EUPopp (7FP).
In addition, I am used to designing ad hoc participatory tools and approaches to energy efficiency programs, sustainable consumption, or the use and integration of new technologies in general. This was the case with Create Acceptance (6FP), in particular.
As a sociologist specialized in public policies and citizen participation in the framework of sustainable urban development, I am able to perform distinct tasks adapted to the needs of the projects and multidisciplinary teams. I have been part of the design and execution-technical teams for transnational projects, as either the coordinator and/or the knowledge transfer officer.
Theme / Policy:
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise:
As a sociologist with postgraduate studies on "Local government, participation and sustainable development", I am used to working with multidisciplinary teams and approaches to tackle integrated urban renewal.
GrowSmarter is a huge and ambitious project (2015- ongoing) that aims to integrate and demonstrate ‘12 smart city solutions’ in energy-buildings, ICT infrastructure and urban mobility and transport in Lighthouse cities (Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona) to provide other cities (Suceava (Ro), Cork (Ir), Malta Porto (PO) and Gratz (AU) with valuable insights on how to replicate the solutions.
In GrowSmarter, as part of the coordination support team, I am in charge of ensuring the activities’ good performance. This includes the facilitation of information, as well as the organization and support to study visits and workshops. Moreover, I contribute to the deliverables with the contextualization of the measures implemented in the city, whenever this is needed.
Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies
E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices :
My Bachelor’s Degree in sociology, as well as my postgraduate courses on "Local government, participation and sustainable development", and "Evaluation of the design, implementation and impact of public policies", are directly linked with my work, and have enabled me to apply participative methodology techniques in all of the urban context projects. Thus, whenever possible in the consulting processes for cities, I always integrate a participatory approach that favors consensus in the design and application of public policies. As far as I know, thanks to my experience, there must be a minimum consensus: Internal and cross-sectional among municipal departments, and external with appropriate stakeholders, in order to guarantee the local policy’s success.
This is especially important in the development of comprehensive city plans and strategies (smart city, sustainable development, mobility and urban planning etc.). The specific tool or methodology used (RAP, EASW, SWOT, ecc) depends on the city’s needs. An example is the "+ Sustainable City Council Convention", establishing the priorities of Barcelona’s City Council in its greening process programme. Barcelona’s City Council holds an annual convention with all of the civil workers and directors. My role in this project was to define, design and direct the whole participative process and set the agenda for the final event and report. The participative process took 9 months and finished with an event.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies:
My Bachelor Degree in sociology, as well as my postgraduate courses on "Local government, participation and sustainable development", and "Evaluation of the design, implementation and impact of public policies", are directly linked with project design, implementation, monitoring and development of new smart city strategies.
An integral part of city strategies (sustainable development and/or smart cities) is Change management. Change management includes the design and application of performance and impact indicators for the implementation of actions that must allow for follow-up and adaptation to new challenges when the initially planned objectives are met. This is accomplished through templates that are integrated into the daily management of the strategy.
This perspective has been included in the "Guidelines for developing an Intelligent City Strategy" service for the municipalities of the Diputación de Barcelona, or in the city strategies for Puebla (Mexico) and Santa Tecla (El Salvador).
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level:
I am very familiar with the policies and grant schemes of the EU, as I have participated in European projects since 2006 (6th FP, 7th FM, Life, Horizon 2020). I am up to date with newsletters (Urban Innovative Action, EU Smart Cities Information System) and the European Commission Futurium platform.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities:
A large part of my work is to design and apply tailored research and participatory methodologies, to be as effective as possible in different local contexts and achieve fixed goals. This is the case for the “ad hoc” design of a participatory work methodology for technicians and politicians of the 34 municipalities of the Greater Santiago Area of Chile, the design of alternative procedures to carry out workshops in Step 5 of the Esteem Manual (Create Acceptance), and for the "Guidelines for developing an Intelligent City Strategy" service for the municipalities of the Diputación de Barcelona, as well as my contribution to GrowSmarter reports that provide other cities with valuable insights on how to replicate the solutions.
Summary Expertise:
Thanks to my specialization as a sociologist, as well as postgraduate studies on "Local government, participation and sustainable development", and "Evaluation of the design, implementation and impact of public policies"; all of my professional career has entailed consultant work for public-local institutions and public policies, and/or participative processes.
I adapt and apply tailored research and participatory methodologies to be as effective as possible in varying contexts to design, apply and monitor local policies.
I have been in charge of participative processes and in setting public policies for example: "+ Sustainable City Council Convention" in Barcelona; the learning and participatory workshop in Greater Santiago; and the design of alternative procedures to carry out workshops in Step 5 of the Esteem Manual (Create Acceptance).
Currently, my work revolves around the execution, design, and giving advice to municipalities and regional governments surrounding strategic plans for Smart Cities, with a focus on sustainable development, democracy, and the appropriate usage of technologies to improve the quality of life of citizens.
Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages:
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages:
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages: