Agricultural policy framework in Milan: the AQST example
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24 January 2022The NextAgri project is starting from the Milan experience on UIA "Open Agri" project. Even though there are some important background conditions and frameworks that will help this new project to be innovative and deep rooted in the local context.

Milan, besides being the second agricultural municipality in Italy, is standing out as a city capable of connecting urban and rural entities.
This process has been possible, within the AQST (Accordo quadro sviluppo territoriale/agreement of territorial development) framework, through the enhancement of rural and peri-urban areas.
The creation of this Agreement since 2011, has encouraged and promoted cooperation among partners and members that are public and private entities such as the regional governement, municipalities, river basins authorities and agricultural districts.
The main fields of action are:
- improvement of the irrigation system
- landscape and environmental requalification
- improvement of architectural and corporate heritage
- innovation of products and services
- multifunctionality: fruition, social and didactic activities
- enhancement and promotion of the territory and rural culture
- strategy consolidation
A noteworthy project that has been realized together many of the partner that are part of the AQST is the “Mater Alimenta Urbes” which, after a pilot period in which it tested the rocurement of the local rice supply chain for the local schools canteens, has extended this model to other 19 local food supply chains.
The NextAgri project will take the chance to work within this framework set up by AQST, involving different actors at various level and therefore beeing more effective, particularly for what concerns the definitions of innovative actions that link urban and rural areas wthin the urban city fringe.
Click here to learn more about AQST framework.
Submitted by Cristina Sossan on