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News from our cities and networks

Edited on

18 February 2022
Read time: 4 minutes

Latest news from URBACT’s cities and networks, from attracting tech talent to improving urban greenspace.


Hack my city

In this snapshot of an URBACT network in progress, see the iPlace network’s partner cities helping each other “find their niche for sustainable local economic development”. The list of positive local actions tested so far ranges from online hackathons to homes for top tech freelancers.


When is a Wasteland?

“Large-scale urban infrastructures such as highways, railways, and ports have long been associated with disorderly and poorly defined landscapes on the fringes of cities…” Interesting look at ‘Infrastructure and Residual Spaces’ from the RiConnect network’s expert Brian Rosa. Also catch this focus on the Porto Metropolitan Area – a vast territory with dispersed population.


Why we should all eat organic?

Together with the researcher Denis Lairon, the BioCanteens#2 network explores the main benefits of consuming organic produce – on human health, climate and the environment.



Playful cities

Play in the Italian city of Udine, French toy libraries… a fresh glimpse of Playful Paradigm II partner cities using play and games to promote inclusion, intergenerational solidarity, SDGs, resilience, healthy lifestyles. All in the network’s new online magazine ‘Joyrnal’.


BluActBoosting blue entrepreneurship

Gender equality in Blue Economy Entrepreneurship; Blue Economy competitions and other news from partner cities; the European Commission’s Blue Entrepreneurship Policies… Just a few highlights from the BluAct network's latest meeting, with a link to watch the full event.



Espoo and its Ecosystem Service Analysis

How Finland’s second largest city is using Ecosystem Service Analysis to help plan blue and green infrastructure and future land-use. Espoo is partner in the Health&Greenspace network on improving urban greenspaces to promote mental and physical health.


Thessaloniki tests ‘Housing First’

A practical example of an URBACT ‘Small Scale Action’ from Thessaloniki and the ROOF network. In its drive to end homelessness, the municipality joined forces with long-standing NGO partners to pilot a ‘Housing First’ initiative for the first time in Greece.


Local food policies and governance

How can URBACT Local Groups provide a basis for building a city governance structure? Just one of the territorial food system issues explored here by FOOD CORRIDORS network expert Antonio Zafra. And a quick review of the recent Conference on Sustainable Urban Development of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, featuring the Region of Coimbra’s (PT) Jorge Brito in talks on "Well-being, health and food".


Heritage driving urban generation

Places of heritage in our cities can be drivers for local economic development. See how KAIRÓS network partner cities are “actively examining the possibilities for re-purposing heritage with a zest for creative fusion of the old and the new, the sacred and the unexplored”.


Energy-efficient citizens and companies

Implement a local currency capitalising savings? A digital voucher? What other smart solutions can cities use to encourage energy-efficient practices in homes and businesses? Explore practical tips from the Vilawatt network’s Learning Webinars.


Seven ways to boost tech talent in industrial cities

How to create a future-proof local talent ecosystem? Discover the key challenges, based on interviews with companies, educational institutes, policymakers and experts in the four industrial city partners of the AS TRANSFER network.


Protect our planet, end poverty and ensure peace and prosperity for all

The Global Goals for Cities network is all about localising the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It’s worth taking a few minutes to see how dynamically French partner La Rochelle is turning ideas into action, working with local associations, businesses and students.

Also, how to manage new construction projects – with the associated pressures on transportation, social and health infrastructure...? Is there a method to share costs with private developers and collaborate to build more sustainably?



Read our publication for stories from cities understanding, adapting and re-using URBACT Good Practices: Good Practice Transfer – Why Not in my City?




We hope you enjoy this URBACT city news round-up. If you have any news to share from URBACT cities, or ideas for more stories on sustainable urban development, get in touch!


URBACT promotes sustainable, integrated urban development, supporting exchange and learning between EU towns and cities. Since its launch URBACT III has enabled the creation of 83 networks involving 454 cities from 28 countries. Almost half of these cities have populations of under 100 000. Ongoing projects include Action Planning Networks, Transfer Networks, and National Practice Transfer Initiatives. Meanwhile five networks are transferring urban solutions from UIA projects, and another is localising the Sustainable Development Goals.