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Edited on

06 February 2015
Read time: 2 minutes

The Islington Estate – target area in the RE-Block project - is located immediately south of the historic centre of Salford and is less than 1 mile and within easy walking distance from Manchester City Centre. The triangle shape territory of the estate is just behind the Chapel street regeneration area and bordered from two sides by the River Irwell (dividing the cities of Salford and Manchester) and the railway line. The two 15 story high residential towers include mainly social housing managed by the Arm Length Organisation Salix Homes. One of the very significant challenges facing the Estate and its community is the potential to become isolated from both the nearby regeneration work and the newly evolving communities.

Presentations by Council Officials, professors from the Salford University and representatives of the Islington community provided an overview of regeneration activities in Salford, the social and environment on the Islington Estate and surrounding area and the governance issues. The area is characterised by:


  •          Close to Manchester City Centre.
  •          Good transport links by bus and train to surrounding areas including Salford Central and Salford Crescent Stations and access to cycle routes
  •          Located immediately south of the historic centre of Salford which contains many attractive, high quality, listed buildings
  •          In the middle, and can take advantage of the wider regeneration taking place the nearby Chapel street
  •          Salix Homes is working with residents to match them with volunteering opportunities
  •          Stable community
  •          M3 Magazine – community media
  •          Creative community activities in the locality
  •          Good cooperation with the local school


  •          Poor quality open spaces and playgrounds on the edges of the estate
  •          Confusing street layout
  •          Poorly overlooked pedestrian links
  •          Limited access routes – cornered off estate
  •          Negative health and well-being impacts
  •          Derelict buildings
  •          Poor image of the area
  •          Poor integration between council and private tenants
  •          Citizen led involvement weak


Decent Homes Standard programme and regeneration of the Chapel street area is in progress

Site visit in the target area gave the chance for the participants:

  •     to visit the regeneration area and the Islington estate
  •          visit a flat which was refurbished as part of the Decent Homes Standard programme
  •          the small park which was refurbished by the active participation of the local community
  •          the refurbished mill which is now a creative and cultural centre (private initiative)
  •          to visit the Angel Centre – a social enterprise offering adult learning courses, activities and events for all local people. The Angel Centre has a community café serving fresh and wholesome food and a range of rooms available for hire.  


Community Magazine 

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Entrance to the local park