7th - 8th July 2011: Final Conference in Naples (Italy)
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07 June 2011Save the date! Final conference of CTUR Network

This occasion is first of all important to show the results of the work done in the framework of the CTUR Thematic Network through the presentation of the final report and the opening of the travelling exhibition on the CTUR / URBACT Local Action Plans. The main dissemination of the results will also be achieved thanks to the cooperation with the seminar of the AIVP (the International Association of City Ports), which has invited all its own European and non European members to Naples.
However the seminar is also an occasion to deepen the state of the art of the host city – the Municipality and the Port Authority respectively lead partner and partner of the network – through the case study presentations, discussions and visits to the port, the area of the Local Action Plan and to the site of the Municipio Station of the Naples underground line 1. This important station is a symbol of quality for the project, because it links the modern architecture with the archaeological findings discovered during the works and for the importance that it will have from the point of view of infrastructure, as when it is completed it will allow the connection between the port and the city, to the station and the airport.
The final seminar should also be an opportunity for discussion, with experts and key actors of the cities on the theme of the waterfront transformation and the new “hardware” and “software” relations between city and port; with the cities and cruise companies to understand if it is possible to experiment with new forms of governance to improve the economic impact for both, with public and private economic stakeholders for an overview of which financial instruments are possible to activate, in addition to the EU Structural Funds.
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