50 years after the Right to the City of Henri Lefebvre
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24 June 2019Right to the City is one of the hot topics this year, due to the renewed interest in the concept by the Occupy and the Commons movements and the 50 years anniversary of May 1968.
URBACT is partner of a research and reflection colloquium on 4 and 5 April 2018 on the Right to the City in Paris.

The colloquium will look at the importance and the actuality of the Right to the city concept in the fields of philosophy, urban planning and sociology, as well at its existing and potential implications on urban policies and social practices.
The colloquium (in French) is organized by the laboratory of ideas "the City in Common" (la ville en commun) and the critical journal of urbanism "Tous Urbains" and Paris School of Urbanism.
Among the participants is Laura Colini, URBACT Expert, who will moderate a workshop on Rights to the City and International migrations.
Speakers and participants also include key figures of urban research such as:
- Jacques DONZELOT, urban historian and sociologist, Université Paris Ouest (FR)
- Guido BORELLI, urban sociologist, IUAV (twitter), Venice (IT)
- Mark PURCELL (twitter), University of Washington (US), Department of Urban Design & Planning
- Thierry PAQUOT, philosopher, Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris (twitter) (FR)
- Catherine TRICOT, architect, Vice President of La Ville en Commun
- Anne KUNVARI, journalist and documentary film maker
- Marisol GARCIA, urban sociologist, University of Barcelona (twitter) (ES), CRIT research group
- Barbara LIPIETZ (twitter), UCL, Bartlett School of Planning (twitter) (UK)
- Ludovic HALBERT, LATTS, Université Paris-Est (FR)
- Mauricio VALIENTE (twitter), Deputy Mayor of Madrid (twitter) (ES)
- Lorena ZARATE, Habitat International Coalition (twitter)
- Yves CABANNES, urban Planner, UCL, Bartlett School of Planning (UK)
- Gus MASSIAH, Forum Social Mondial (twitter), AITEC-Urbain
- Bernard STIEGLER, philosopher, Head of IRI (twitter) (FR)
The Right to the city is of interest as much to those who discovered the concept in its original context of 1970’s and to the youngest generation from Athens to Lisbon, for instance in these two gatherings:
- Unconference Urban Struggles in Mediterranean Cities: The Right to the City and the Common Space, Athens (GR), 31 May - 3 June 2018
- Third International Conference of Young Urban Researchers (TICYUrb), Lisbon (PT), ISCTE-IUL, 18 June - 22 June 2018. One of the conference tracks is Collectivecity (the right to the city: 50 years later)
Submitted by s.pruvot@urbact.eu on