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3rd URBACT Call for Proposals - last chance to apply!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 2 minutes

The 3rd and last URBACT Call for Proposals is still open for the creation of up to 19 new Thematic Networks, but don’t forget that all project proposals must be submitted before 15 March 2012 at 2.00 pm GMT.  See more than 70 project proposals submitted so far in the database.

Thematic Networks approved through this Call will focus on fostering exchange and learning among European cities, drawing lessons from these exchanges, and building new tools and policies for an integrated and sustainable urban development. Beyond the consolidation and dissemination of the practical knowledge drawn from the transnational networking, partner cities will also commit to work with local stakeholders to develop a Local Action Plan and improve their local policies.

While addressing one of the 8 topics defined for this call, partner cities will also be requested to consider the 3 following challenges:

  • How to manage urban development in the context of the economic and financial crisis
  • How to foster integrated and sustainable approaches to urban development
  • How to develop efficient partnerships and multi-level governance processes

The Call is open from 9th December 2011 until 15th March 2012.


Candidates will find all necessary information on how to prepare and submit a project proposal in the following documents:

  • - PDF
  • - PDF (new version - 21 February 2012)
  • - PDF
  • - PDF
  •   - PDF
  • - Word Document
  • - Word Document

Candidates are also invited to read carefully both the and the PDF icon Download URBACT II An Exchange and learning programme for cities contr ibuting to the European Commission Initiative Regions for Economic Change (828.89 KB).


In previous version on page 8 point 1.1.2 Financial resources, the Guide to URBACT Thematic Networks stated "The Programme also provides each network with an additional expertise budget of up to 166.000€, that is 166 days of expertise to support networks and their partners in implementing their activities".

As the daily fee for URBACT thematic expert is fixed at 750 euros per day, all taxes included, you shall read "[...] with an additional expertise budget of up to 125.000€ [...]"



Requests for information may be sent by email to

Important Dates

  • All project proposals shall be submitted on 15th March 2012 at 2.00 pm GMT latest.
  • The URBACT Monitoring Committee will decide on the approval of projects for Development phase on 23rd April 2012.
  • Lead Partners and Lead Experts of approved projects will be requested to attend the Training Session organised in Paris on 23rd-25th May 2012.
  • Lead Partners and Lead Experts of approved projects will be requested to attend a second meeting with the URBACT Secretariat to review draft Final Applications on 11th-12th September 2012.

The Project Proposal Database

The project proposal database will help you to find city partners for your application (Declaration of Interest stage) or a project idea:

  • If you are looking for partners, you can add your project to the database.
  • If you are interested in participating in a project, you can check the project ideas posted by potential Lead Partners who are looking for partners.

Go to the database

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