30th June, 1st-2nd July 2010: 6th Seminar in Rostock (Germany)
Edited on
29 June 2010
Concept paper
Statements such as “Governance points to horizontal networks of influences, intergovernmental cooperation, blurring of public and private boundaries in decision making…” and “the effective governance is to be sought through network models” (Hershell & Neumann, 2002) concisely clarify the meaning of the often overused term 'governance'.
How do networks and cooperative frameworks operate in order to effectively launch and support local policies aimed at developing both cruise activities and urban regeneration processes in port cities? The Rostock meeting will enable CTUR partners to discuss their experiences in this field, starting from the experiences of Local Support Groups that can be considered as the potential core of governance processes for the purpose mentioned above.
Partners will be requested to specifically indicate what kind of relationships and processes are established (or could be established) between the different stakeholders in order to start and support developments in this field and to focus in particular on the existing and potential role of PPP by pointing out the problems and difficulties that were encountered.
A few example of the above mentioned “horizontal networking and cooperating” at different levels are: schemes for the management of cruise terminals, cooperation agreements between tourist service providers and public agencies for tourism, coordination between different levels of public tourist agencies, schemes meant to develop and involve local qualified
entrepreneurship or skilled workers for tourism and agreements between port-cities meant to market a network of tourist supply for cruise lines, involving private funding in regeneration plans (also with reference to households); they can be defined as “governance” in the cruise traffic development and urban regeneration local policy. We should not forget that by 'private' stakeholders – even at collective level - we have to understand not only companies (local or
otherwise) but also citizens and local workers, who represent a special category of stakeholders.
During the meeting some successful cases of governance in the field of cruise development local actions will be discussed.
Download Programme_CTUR_6th_seminar_Rostock_1_2_July_2010.pdf (579.35 KB)
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