3 Resilient Europe Cities present at Future in The Making Conference, 4 - 5 June 2018, Brussels
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01 June 20183 Cities from the Resilient Europe URBACT Network will present at the Future in the Making FTA 2018 conference in Brussels on 4-5 June 2018.

Exploring new challenges of policymaking and future-oriented frames and methods to respond to them is the aim of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) FTA2018 conference - Future in the making.
FTA 2018 is a two day event taking place at The Square Business Center in Brussels on 4-5 June 2018.
3 Cities and the expert from Resilient Europe Network will present their experience on the topic of Urban resilience: shaping cities of the future.
On Tuesday 5 June, come to session C8 to listen to :
- Chris Roorda, DRIFT & Expert, URBACT Resilient Europe
- Gert Vandermosten, Coordinator, Stadslab 2050, City of Antwerp (BE)
- Ulla Varneskov, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Vejle (DK)
- Sjan Clabbers, Sustainability & Resilience Communications Officer, City of Rotterdam
The workshop will be moderated by Ania Rok, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability & URBACT Programme Expert
The main topics put to discussion include:
- What are your experiences with urban resilience as an approach to exploring urban futures?
- What are your experiences with using foresight in participatory settings?
- What foresight methods can cities use in developing resilience strategies?
- How to translate abstract futures into local policymaking?
Some of the sessions from the conference will be transmitted live. The programme is available here.
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