2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
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24 June 2019After celebrating in 2009 Creativity & Innovation, the European Union wants 2010 to be the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion . In deed, the fight against poverty and social exclusion is a primary objective of the European Union and its Member States. A significant part of the European population is in a situation of poverty and lacks access to basic services. The launch of a European Year dedicated to this objective is intended to give a new impetus to the process of social inclusion.

The fight against poverty and social exclusion is linked to a series of socioeconomic and cultural factors which call for multidimensional strategies of national, regional and local dimension. It requires the participation of public authorities and individuals alike.
This initiative aims at informing European citizens but also to give a voice to people in a situation of poverty and social exclusion.In accordance with the European principles of solidarity and social justice, the Year will have four guiding principles.
- Recognition of the fundamental right of people in a situation of poverty to live in dignity and to play a full part in society. In particular, the aim is to guarantee access to resources, social services, culture and leisure.
- Promotion of social cohesion, in the form of actions to enhance quality of life, social welfare, equal opportunities and sustainable development, by promoting an employment market that is open to all and the principle of equality in education and training.
- Shared responsibility and collective and individual participation, to expand the role of all public or private actors in the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
- Commitment and political action by the Member States and the EU, and the intensification of actions taken at all levels of authority.
As for previous European Years, measures will include promotion campaigns, events and initiatives at European, national, regional and local levels.
Several URBACT projects deal with combating poverty and social exclusion as URBAMECO (Regeneration of deprived areas), Active A.G.E (Strategies for cities with an ageing population), CoNet (Approaches to strengthening social cohesion in neighbourhoods), MILE (Migration and integration), Suite (Sustainable housing provision) as well as the new URBACT projects: InteGROW (Integrated strategies for the social inclusion of young people at risk of exclusion), Roma-Net (Improving the integration of Roma population), Sure (Diversification of local economies in deprived areas of medium sized cities).
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