20 URBACT Project Final Conferences: Save the Date!
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09 October 201720 URBACT projects are going to complete their programme of exchange and learning activities by July 2010. The project partners have been working relentlessly for three years looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions to major urban challenges. These projects have bring to light solutions that have proven effective and providing valuable support for policy makers and practitioners involved in tackling these challenges. Each project will hold in the coming months a final conference to highlight the results of its activities. Find out which final conference(s) you want to attend and save the date(s)!

NeT-TOPFIN-URB-ACT - Integrated urban actions for fostering and financing innovative economies and SMEs
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the economy in many European cities. The FIN-URB-ACT Project, gathering 11 European partners and led by the city of Aachen, is working on more efficient approaches and tools for improving SME and innovative enterprises' support. FIN-URB-ACT focuses on SME support for both small scale entrepreneurs and for innovative economies and high-tech projects.
The final conference of FIN-URB-ACT project will take place in Gliwice (Poland) on 15 March, 2011.CoNet - Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods
CoNet is an URBACT project led by the city of Berlin and gathering 11 European partners. In response to the challenge of increased social segregation and polarisation, the project's aim is to exchange area-based and integrated approaches to local development which strengthen communities and neighbourhoods improve education and build the economy and employment.
CoNet final conference will be hold in Berlin (Germany) on 31 March and 1 April, 2011.MY GENERATION and the scope is to understand the challenges they face, together with their aspirations. MY GENERATION is an URBACT project led by the city of Rotterdam and gathering 12 European city partners, focusing on identifying three sets of good practices related to: outreach for deprived categories of youth, education - employment transition and coordination among actors when promoting the youth cause in urban contexts.
MY GENERATION Final Conference "Co-creating tomorrow's cities with today's youth" will take place in Antwerp (Belgium) on 31 March and 1 April, 2011.
APRIL 2011
Urban N.O.S.E - Urban Incubators for Social Enterprises
Urban N.O.S.E is an URBACT project gathering 10 European cities. The project is exploring how to create social economy incubators, which can help structure a series of city services which both meet social need and create jobs.
Urban N.O.S.E final conference will take place in the Lead Partner city Gela (Italy) on 7-10 April 2011.REDIS - Restructuring Old Districts into Science Quarters
REDIS is an URBACT project gathering 8 European cities working on the (re)development of city quarters for knowledge based development. The project is exploring how cities can integrate science and technology into the heart of their urban fabric rather than creating "gated" out-of-centre science parks.
REDIS Final Conference will take place in Magdeburg on 12-14 April 2011.
MAY 2011
LC-FACIL is an URBACT project gathering 6 partners whose challenge is to test on the ground the implementation of integrated, sustainable urban development according to the principle of the Leipzig Charter.
LC-FACIL final conference will take place in the Lead Partner city Leipzig (Germany) on 10 and 11 May 2011.
RuNup is an URBACT project gathering 9 European cities. The Project is examining how small and medium sized cities – often without a strong university - can enter what has traditionally been seen to the exclusive preserve of the champions league of large metropolis.
RunUp final conference will take place in the Lead Partner city Gateshead (UK) on 11 and 12 May 2011.RegGov is an URBACT project working on integrated strategies for a sustainable development of deprived urban neighbourhoods. Its 9 partners intend to have a particularly close, trustful and efficient co-operation with their Managing Authorities to support the development of new and improved forms of co-operation.
RegGov final conference will be organised in the Lead Partner city Duisburg (Germany) on 12-13 May, 2011.
Active A.G.E - Strategies for Cities with an Ageing Population
OPENCities - Opening cities to attract and retain migrant populations and the competitive advantage of diversity
The arrival of large numbers of new residents to cities can create great opportunities for innovation and progress in social, economic and cultural development. OPENCities is an URBACT Project including 9 partner cities across Europe and led by the city of Belfast. The project explores how cities can attract and retain migrant populations and what initiatives cities can employ to make themselves a popular choice with international workers.
OPENCities final conference will take place in Brussels (Belgium) on 24-25 May, 2011.REPAIR - Realising the Potential of Abandoned Military Sites as an Integral part of Sustainable Urban Community Regeneration
Former military or heritage sites provide excellent potential to act as the catalyst for urban regeneration, many consist of historic buildings dating back over centuries and the source of rich cultural heritage. Building Healthy Communities - Exploring urban factors influencing health and creating opportunities for cities to set up healthy policies for their citizens
Creative Clusters in Low Density Urban Areas
Creative Clusters is an URBACT project gathering 10 European partners dealing with creative clusters in low density urban areas. The starting assumption of this URBACT project is that creativity can act as a driving force for economic development of small urban centres and not only of big cities. Its aim is to transfer the "creative city model" (too much focused on big and middle-sized metropolis) to low density urban areas.
Creative Clusters project final conference will take place in the Lead Partner city Obidos (Portugal) on 9 June, 2011.
The dates of the following project final conferences have not been decided yet but we will let you as soon as possible:
<img style="padding-right: 5px; float: left;" data-cke-saved-src="uploads/RTEmagicC_ctur_logo.jpg.jpg" src="uploads/RTEmagicC_ctur_logo.jpg.jpg" width="145" height="42" alt=" />C.T.U.R - Cruise traffic and integrated and sustainable port city development
CTUR is an URBACT project made up of 10 European cities looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions in the field of cruise traffic and urban regeneration. Led by the City of Naples, the project deals with the effects of cruise traffic on integrated and sustainable port city development.
Read more:
- URBACT Projects - URBACT website
- Conclusion of 6 URBACT projects: Final publications now available ! - URBACT website
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