1st ULG Meeting for Grosuplje
Edited on
25 March 2022Scope of the Meeting
The main objective of our first ULG Meeting was to introduce the URBACT programme and the network
of Playful Paradigm. The Municipality of Grosuplje gave a detailed presentation about the playful
approach and how it can tackle different urban challenges. During the meeting, it was also explained
the purpose of the URBACT Local Group.
Modules addressed
Since this was our first ULG meeting, Grosuplje decided to address all four of the Transfer Modules.
To introduce each of them with examples of good practice from the Municipality of Udine.

The Director of Municipal Administration, Dušan Hočevar, M.Sc., started the meeting by welcoming
everyone, thanking them for their participation in the Playful Paradigm project.
Živa Vertič, Local Project Coordinator & ULG Coordinator, gave the introduction to URBACT
Programme and Playful Paradigm. She also explained the main goal of forming the URBACT Local
Group. Moreover, she also presented the timetable of ULG Meetings for the year 2022.
Later, ULG Coordinator gave the floor to other participants to briefly introduce themselves and to tell
what they are excepting from this collaboration in the following year.
After a short break, the stakeholders were asked to actively participate by offering their opinions on
what the local area needs and what are its challenges.
Klavdija Mehle believes this project is an ideal opportunity to offer citizens something more and is
more than happy to participate in the ULG, to give and hear the opinion of fellow stakeholders who
are constantly in touch with people and thus, know their necessities as well.
The majority of attendees, in particular Klavdija Mehle (president of Youth Council Grosuplje), Janja
Zupančič (principal of Elementary School of Louis Adamič), and Majda Fajdiga (principal of
Kindergarten Kekec) are certain that the municipal area needs more public places and activities in
those places organized for young families.
However, the senior citizens of Grosuplje were not neglected during the meeting. Their mental and
physical health is important, and we need to offer the activities for their good cognitive function as
well, was the opinion of Drago Andročec (Retirement Association Grosuplje), and Metka Velepec Šajn
(Retirement Home Grosuplje).
Position of the ULG
Grosuplje’s URBACT Local Group is prepared to be actively involved in the experience of Playful
Paradigm and enrich the nature of activities and initiatives with their many years of experience.
Decisions taken
URBACT Local Group agreed with the following timetable of the meetings in 2022: the second and
third meetings will be in February or the beginning of March, the fourth and fifth meetings will be
held in May, the sixth and seventh meeting in August, and the last one in the late November.
All the stakeholders will be actively involved and offer their experiences on the matter.
ULG will support the dissemination of the Playful Paradigm Project in the local area.
Main learning points
ULG members acquire a lot of knowledge and experience on the matter, and they are excited to
participate and be a part of the Playful Paradigm. With that knowledge, they are capable of coming
up with ideas and solutions, which are helpful for us as a Municipality. With ULG members, we have
inside information, with which we will be able to do a better GP transfer to a local level.
Submitted by Altrementi on