Gender as an integral aspect of sustainable development [Umeå, Sweden]
Umeå, Lead Partner of the URBACT GenderedLandscape Action Planning Network, is one of nine Swedish cities that has made a commitment, in collaboration with the national government, to become carbon-neutral by 2030. Umeå also has the long-term goal to create conditions for women and men to have equal power to shape society, as well as their own lives. By having gender experts at the table when designing sustainable development projects and processes, the city hopes to identify more effective ways to create sustainable transitions and pick up on synergies. Mobility and transport planning, for example, are important targets for reducing greenhouse gases. By collecting gender-disaggregated data on transport use and perceptions, Umeå identified that men and women travel differently (similar to the findings of the Ramboll report in chapter 6D), and that men travel less sustainably. As a result, one campaign focused on changing transit behaviours is targeted at men, making it more effective at reaching its audience and encouraging the most reductions in greenhouse gases. Projects that consider new smart technologies, such as autonomous buses, take into consideration differences in attitudes towards transit by recognising the role bus drivers play in womens perceptions of safety. This lens facilitates the support and adoption of new technologies by all residents. Umeå is committed to ensure that its sustainable transformation is just and fair to all its residents and that burdens and benefits are shared equally.
Without equality we are not able to create transformations and make sure people still live a good life ,
Linda Gustafsson, Gender Equality Officer from Umeå Municipality.
Gender equality officers work closely with all city departments and on smart city and sustainable development projects to keep the gender equality perspective alive and top of mind. Close consultation with residents and co-creation of solutions ensures that everyone is getting a seat at the table when it comes to creating sustainable cities. Umeå shows that a more gender equal city is also a more sustainable city and one that benefits everyone.
Case Study
Umeå s Uppgång tunnel © Fredrik Larsson (2022)