Education to end gender-based-violence in the Basque country [Spain]
EUDEL (The Association of Basque Municipalities) and Emakunde (The Basque Institute for Women), in cooperation with the three district councils, have a goal: to abolish gender-based violence for the next generation. To do this they are engaging young people in dialogue about the unhealthy attitudes and dynamics within romantic relationships that can escalate into intimate partner violence, as well as promoting a zero-tolerance attitude to sexual harassment in public space. The campaign, named Beldur Barik or No Fear , started in 2006 and today hosts an annual festival and boasts a strong social media presence. The teaching modules are available online and their core aim is to engender a more equal and respectful culture. The focus is often on teaching boys about male behaviours and masculine norms, as opposed to teaching women where to turn if they need help. In 2021, Emakunde carried out the 2010-2020 impact assessment of the project on young people, with the aim of gathering the voice of the young people who have participated over the years, and to identify improvements and strategic lines of action for the future from the perspective of young people. The results of the evaluation will be published at the end of 2022.
[ CALL TO ACTION ] Do you want to strengthen your capacity to produce statistics on various forms of violence against women and aquire comparative data? Use EIGE s 13 indicators on intimate partner violence and see comparative data from other EU countries.
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