Gender budgeting [Vienna, Austria]
Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a pioneer for gender mainstreaming in urban planning14. The city has one of the longest legacies of gender-sensitive planning: the Gender Mainstreaming Office opened in 1992, the city has had a binding commitment to gender mainstreaming since 2000, and gender budgeting has been embedded in their Constitution since 2006. What does this look like in practice? Vienna has a Gender Budgeting Unit that works with the finance department to oversee the annual budget across the many departments of the city: each of Vienna s 23 districts does their own budgeting. The head of the Department of Gender Budgeting is responsible for creating an annual report pulling together individual gender budgeting reports received from all departments. Since its inception in 2006, every department has to demonstrate its commitment to gender equality. The most important challenge for Vienna in implementing gender budgeting was raising awareness among city staff to convince them that this new topic was valuable. Another challenge was to improve the quality of city-wide data, for example by collecting gender disaggregated data. Vienna created workshops for department leaders but also for staff on the ground defining objectives and measures in which the reasons for gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting are outlined, tested and role-played. Staff also receive ongoing support through a network on gender budgeting and three yearly meetings to exchange views and network with multipliers.
14 European Women s Lobby (2020), An interview with Michaela Schatz: Gender Budgeting in the City of Vienna , published on 5 February 2020 and available at: https://www.womenlobby.org/Gender-Budgeting-in-the-City-of- Vienna
[ CALL TO ACTION ] Do you want to get started with gender budgeting in your municipality? Check out the EIGE step-by-step toolkit including a tool to track resource allocation for gender equality in the EU cohesion policy funds (Tool 8).
Case Study
City of Vienna © URBACT (2022)