Gender stereotypes and discrimination continue to influence educational choices and career paths from kindergarten through formal education and job training, which in turn shapes individuals' economic and social development. Even before women and men reach the labour market, they face stereotypes about which types of professions they should pursue based on norms about the skills and abilities of women and men, leading to gender segregation in the labour market. Gender-based violence and sexist language in educational settings further increases disparities. Municipalities can combat these outcomes through gender mainstreaming in training
and education and ensure that children learn about gender equality at an early age. Language, teaching styles, design and style of promotional materials and curricula can shape training and education formats that are gender neutral or incorporate gender mainstreaming. In addition, programmes to promote girls to explore male-dominated fields such as STEM and boys to explore female-dominated fields such as nursery school teachers or care work can be an important tool in promoting better gender balance in fields dominated by one gender or other. For more information on labour market segregation see Chapter 4C and check the following video:
#GetUp project - Waster of talent © ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy (2018)