Smart cities, innovation and gender equality © Umeå Kommun (2022)
24 CEMR (2017), Revised CEMR-EPSU guidelines to drawing up gender equality action plans in local and regional government , see at: https://charter-equality.eu/exemple-de-bonnes-pratiques/revised-cemr-epsu-guidelines-to- drawing-up-gender-equality-action-plans-in-local-and-regional-government.html
Vertical policy integration, including implementing the SDGs and European policy instruments, can be challenging. Cities play a key role in making sure that these positive changes reach residents, and also feeding learning and results up to influence national and international strategy. So how can international and EU instruments be used to drive local change and what role can cities play in this process? For the first time there is a SDG focused on gender equality: SDG 5. The UN is clear that a gender mainstreaming approach will support the achievement of many goals, in particular the goals for no poverty (SDG 1), good health and well-being (SDG 3), quality education (SDG 4), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), reduced inequalities (SDG 10), and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). In implementing gender equality measures and embedding gender mainstreaming in
municipal policies and processes, cities can make great strides in realising the SDGs on a local level. URBACT is piloting an Action Planning Network, Global Goals for Cities led by Tallinn (Estonia), aimed at accelerating progress on the implementation of the SDGs through peer learning. Furthermore, cities can join the more than 1,800 signatories of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life in committing to incorporating gender equality in local policies. The Charter's webpage offers a step-by-step action plan for implementing the charter, methods for evaluation of progress and a range of good practices, some of which are included in this report. The CEMR has also teamed up with the European Public Service Union (EPSU) to develop guidelines24 for drawing up gender equality plans in local and regional government.